Figure 3.
Associations between serum polyols and large for gestational age. (A) The prevalence of large for gestational age according to serum polyols tertiles. The chi-square test and chi-square test for trend were used to calculate P for trend and P values. P < .05 was considered to be statistically significant. ns: P > .05. (B) Forest plot of the association between 1-SD increase of Box–Cox-transformed serum sorbitol and the odds of large for gestational age. Multiple logistic regression models were used to identify the odds of large for gestational age according to 1-SD increase of Box–Cox-transformed serum sorbitol during pregnancy. Large for gestational age was defined as birthweight greater than 4000 g (missing data = 14). Statistical significance: CI does not cross 1. Model 1, unadjusted. Model 2, model 1 + age at OGTT, family history of diabetes, and parity. Model 3, model 2 + prepregnancy BMI. Model 4, model 3 + mean arterial pressure. Model 5, model 4 + GDM. (C) Area under the ROC curve for newborn large for gestational age. The models included (1) maternal clinical factors alone (age at OGTT, family history of diabetes, parity, pregnancy BMI, mean arterial pressure, and GDM); (2) maternal clinical factors + fasting Box–Cox-transformed serum sorbitol. Abbreviations: ROC, receiver operating characteristic; AUC, area under the ROC.