Fig. 4.
Cyclic guanosine monophosphate-adenosine monophosphate synthase (cGAS), and toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9) are required for the neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs)-stimulated proliferation, expressions of both nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB)-dependent inflammatory cytokines and type-I interferons (IFNs) in human airway epithelial cells (hAECs), and maturation of human dendritic cells (hDCs). Statistical analysis: n = 6–10 for each bar in (a–x), n = 3 for each bar in y from at least three independent experiments, data were presented as the mean ± standard deviation; Differences are assessed by the a–y two-way ANOVA analysis of variance, followed Tukey’s honest significant test; P < 0.05 represents a significant difference, the scattered samples and the p values are displayed in figures. Effects of a–c cGAS and m–o TLR9 silencing on 12 μg/mL of NETs-stimulated proliferation of hAECs, as assessed by the a, m EdU proliferation assay (supplementary Method 11), and the mRNA expression of b, n MKI67 and c, o PCNA (both are markers of proliferation, supplementary Method 13). Effects of d–l cGAS and p, x TLR9 silencing on 12 μg/mL of NETs-induced mRNA expression and soluble levels of NF-κB-dependent inflammatory cytokines and type-I interferons (IFNs) in hAECs (supplementary Method 13, 26): d, p mRNA expression of CXCL5 (C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 5), e, q mRNA expression of CXCL8, f, r mRNA expression of TNFα (tumour necrosis factor-alpha), g, s mRNA expression of IL-1β (interleukin 1β), h, t soluble levels of IL-1β in cell-culture supernatants, i, u soluble levels of CXCL8 in cell-culture supernatants, j, v mRNA expression of IFN-β1, k, w mRNA expression of IL-12 and l, x soluble levels of IFN-β in cell-culture supernatants. y The inhibition of cGAS and TLR9 by 5 μM of RU.521 and 2 μM of ODN 2088, respectively, reduces 12 μg/mL of NETs-mediated maturation of hDCs (supplementary Method 16). z Representative flow cytometry images display the gating strategy and maturation of DCs treated with either RU.521 or ODN 2088, as evaluated by the percentage of CD86+ CD40+ cells (supplementary Method 17)