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. 2024 May 15;20(6):4174–4184. doi: 10.1002/alz.13849


Performance metrics for individual neuropsychological tests in discriminating between cognitive intact and impaired cognition (MCI, dementia, In‐MCI) among American Indian participants of the Strong Heart Study (2017–2019).

Any cognitive impairment (MCI, dementia, IN‐MCI), vs. intact Dementia, vs. intact
Parameter Empirical, optimal cut point ROC (AUC, sensitivity, specificity) at cut point Empirical, optimal cut point ROC (AUC, sensitivity, specificity) at cut point
3MSE a 90.5 0.31 (0.36, 0.26) 92.5 0.28 (0.20, 0.35)
WAIS DSST a , b 42.5 0.39 (0.49, 0.28) 42.5 0.28 (0.27, 0.28)
COWA a 26.5 0.36 (0.31, 0.41) 22.5 0.33 (0.39, 0.26)
CVLT LF a , b 6.5 0.39 (0.24, 0.53) 6.5 0.33 (0.13, 0.53)
MoCA a , b 19.5 0.29 (0.26, 0.31) 19.5 0.21 (0.11, 0.31)
MINT a , b 28.5 0.40 (0.29, 0.51) 27.5 0.25 (0.14, 0.35)
Number forward b 6.5 0.43 (0.38, 0.49) 5.5 0.41 (0.56, 0.25)
Number backward b 4.5 0.39 (0.33, 0.44) 3.5 0.26 (0.35, 0.17)
Benson copy b 16.5 0.41 (0.39, 0.42) 15.5 0.33 (0.26, 0.39)
Benson recall a , b 9.5 0.35 (0.35, 0.34) 7.5 0.27 (0.35, 0.19)
Craft story repeat (paraphrase) 9.5 0.38 (0.47, 0.28) 8.5 0.27 (0.31, 0.22)
Craft story recall (paraphrase) a , b 8.5 0.36 (0.39, 0.33) 8.5 0.27 (0.21, 0.33)
Animal naming a 14.5 0.36 (0.32, 0.39) 12.5 0.28 (0.31, 0.25)
Vegetable naming a , b 9.5 0.35 (0.39, 0.32) 8.5 0.22 (0.23, 0.22)
TMT A (seconds) 53.5 0.66 (0.74, 0.59) 81.5 0.81 (0.79, 0.83)
TMT B (seconds) a 162.5 0.64 (0.58, 0.69) 172.5 0.65 (0.58, 0.72)

Abbreviations: 3MSE, mini mental status examination; APOE, apolipoprotein E; COWA, Controlled Oral Word Association test; CVLT LF, California Verbal Learning Test (short form) long delay free recall; IN‐MCI, impaired cognition not MCI; MCI, mild cognitive impairment; MINT, Multilingual Naming Test; MoCA, Montreal Cognitive Assessment; ROC(AUC), receiver operating characteristic area under the curve; TMT A/B, Trails Making Test A and B; WAIS DSST, Weschler Adult Intelligence Scale digit symbol substitution task.


Items empirically identified by LASSO regression to discriminate any cognitive impairment (MCI, dementia, In‐MCI), in addition to age, sex, education, and center, with 100 repetitions bootstraps; 14‐variable model AUC: 0.898.


Items empirically identified by similar model to discriminate dementia (14‐variable model), AUC: 0.99.