Supplementary Table 1.
Company or cohort name | References |
Miners [1,2] | [1] Silvestri S, Ferrante D, Giovannini A, et al. Asbestos Exposure of Chrysotile Miners and Millers in Balangero, Italy. Ann Work Expo Health. 2020 Jul 1;64(6):636-644. [2] Ferrante D, Mirabelli D, Silvestri S, et al. Mortality and mesothelioma incidence among chrysotile asbestos miners in Balangero, Italy: A cohort study. Am J Ind Med. 2020 Feb;63(2):135-145. |
Eternit [3] | [3] Magnani C, Ferrante D, Barone-Adesi F, et al. Cancer risk after cessation of asbestos exposure: a cohort study of Italian asbestos cement workers. Occup Environ Med. 2008 Mar;65(3):164-170. |
SACA [4] | [4] Ferrante D, Bertolotti M, Todesco A, et al. Mortality among asbestos cement workers:the cohort of the S.A.C.A. plant in Cavagnolo (Italy). Biomedical Statistics and Cancer Epidemiology 2008; 2:171-177. |
Wives of Eternit workers [5] | [5] Ferrante D, Bertolotti M, Todesco A, et al. Cancer mortality and incidence of mesothelioma in a cohort of wives of asbestos workers in Casale Monferrato, Italy. Environ Health Perspect 2007;115:1401-5. |
Fibronit [6] | [6] Oddone E, Ferrante D, Cena T, et al. [Asbestos cement factory in Broni (Pavia, Italy): a mortality study]. Med Lav 2014;105:15-29. |
Cantieri Navali Genova [7] | [7] Merlo DF, Bruzzone M, Bruzzi P, et al. Mortality among workers exposed to asbestos at the shipyard of Genoa, Italy: a 55 years follow-up. Environ Health. 2018 Dec 29;17(1):94. |
Edilit [8] | [8] Fedeli U, Fadda P, Paruzzolo P, et al. Studio prospettico di mortalità per tumori in una coorte di esposti a cemento asbesto. G Ital Med Lav Erg 2004, 26 (4 Suppl):227. |
Officine di Cittadella [9,10] | [9] Simonato L, Tessari R, Canova C. [Controversy unsupported by data]. Med Lav. 2004;95:412-413. [10] Tessari R, Canova C, Simonato L. [Epidemiological investigation on the health status of employees in two factories manufacturing and repairing railway rolling stock: a historical perspective study of mortality]. Med Lav 2004;95:381-391. |
Officine Meccaniche della Stanga [9,10] | [9] Simonato L, Tessari R, Canova C. [Controversy unsupported by data]. Med Lav. 2004;95:412-413. [10] Tessari R, Canova C, Simonato L. [Epidemiological investigation on the health status of employees in two factories manufacturing and repairing railway rolling stock: a historical perspective study of mortality]. Med Lav 2004;95:381-391. |
Artclit, Cemental, Cemiant, Fibrotubi, ICAR Eternit, Itamiant, Sidercam, Uprocem, Maranit, Superlit [11] | [11] Luberto F, Amendola P, Belli S, et al. Studio di mortalità degli addetti alla produzione di manufatti in cemento amianto in Emilia-Romagna [Mortality study of asbestos cement workers in Emilia-Romagna]. Epidemiol Prev. 2004 Jul-Oct;28(4-5):239-246. |
Casaralta [12] | [12] Pavone VL, Scarnato C, Marinilli P, et al. Mortalità in una coorte di addetti alla costruzione e riparazione di carrozze ferroviarie in un’azienda di Bologna [Mortality in a cohort of railway Rolling stockuction and repair workers in Bologna]. Med Lav. 2012 Mar-Apr;103(2):112-122. |
Derbit [13] | [13] Zanardi F, Salvarani R, Cooke RM, et al. Carcinoma of the pharynx and tonsils in an occupational cohort of asphalt workers. Epidemiology. 2013;24(1):100-3. |
Breda [14] | [14] Gasparrini A, Pizzo AM, Gorini G, et al. Prediction of mesothelioma and lung cancer in a cohort of asbestos exposed workers. Eur J Epidemiol. 2008;23(8):541-546. |
Fibronit [15] | [15] Raffaelli I, Festa G, Seniori Costantini A, et al. Studio sulla mortalità degli addetti alla produzione in un’azienda di manufatti in cemento amianto a Carrara, Italia. Med Lav 2007; 98: 156-163. |
Santa Lucia [16] | [16] Fedi A, Blagini B, Melosi A, et al. Ricostruzione dell’esposizione, studio di mortalità della coorte di lavoratori e intervento sugli ex-esposti ad amianto di una azienda metalmeccanica [Assessment of asbestos exposure, mortality study, and health intervention in workers formerly exposed to asbestos in a small factory making drying machines for textile finishing and the paper mill industry in Pistoia, Italy]. Med Lav. 2005 May-Jun;96(3):243-249. |
Sacelit [17,18] | [17] Fazzo L, Cernigliaro A, De Santis M, et al. Occupational cohort study of asbestos-cement workers in a contaminated site in Sicily (Italy). Epidemiol Prev. 2020 Mar-Jun;44(2-3):137-144. [18] Fazzo L, Nicita C, Cernigliaro A, et al. Mortalità per cause asbesto-correlate e incidenza del mesotelioma fra i lavoratori del cemento-amianto di San Filippo del Mela (Messina) [Mortality from asbestos-related causes and incidence of pleural mesothelioma among former asbestos cement workers in San Filippo del Mela (Sicily)]. Epidemiol Prev. 2010 May-Jun;34(3):87-92. |
Australian Blue asbestos [19] | [19] Merler E, Ercolanelli M, de Klerk N. [Identification and mortality of Italian emigrants returning to Italy after having worked in the crocidolite mines at Wittenoon Gorge, Western Australia]. Epidemiol Prev 2000;24:255-256. |