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. 2024 Jun 17;24:207. doi: 10.1186/s12883-024-03719-8

Table 2.

Results of multivariate regression analysis

Factors β OR 95%CI P-vale
Age 0.210 1.022 0.990–1.060 0.250
Hypertension 0.650 1.920 0.700–5.270 0.210
Diabetes 0.188 1.190 0.260–5.490 0.820
procedure duration time 0.200 1.020 1.008–1.034 0.002*
NIHSS 0.065 1.060 1.000-1.120 0.048*
CRP 0.030 1.030 0.980–1.070 0.260
Lymphocytes 0.210 1.240 0.290–5.390 0.780
Neutrophils -0.122 0.890 0.630–1.240 0.480
Monocyte 2.460 11.670 0.063–2148.400 0.360
NLR 0.310 1.370 1.005–1.860 0.046*
MHR 0.980 2.670 0.077–92.440 0.590
LMR 0.230 1.260 0.740–2.130 0.400
LCR -0.230 0.800 0.540–1.170 0.240

Note: NLR: neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio; MHR: monocyte-to-HDL ratio; LMR: lymphocyte-to-monocyte ratio; LCR: lymphocyte-to-C-reactive protein ratio; CRP: C-reactive protein; NIHSS: National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale; *: specific signs refer to significant p-value