Restrictions on cigarettes is just the beginning
How soon will it be before the government starts to interfere in other areas of our lives?
Soon all foods that are potentially “dangerous” (like butter, coffee, and sugar) may be restricted in the same way as cigarettes are
Will restrictions on cigarettes be limited to marketing?
Although the government is only talking about restricting marketing on cigarettes at the moment, we may well see other restrictions soon
Are smokers going to be forced to buy cigarettes in plain packs, and hide them from view like criminals?
Smokers are being used as pawns in a political power struggle
Tessa Jowell believes that the tobacco issue is her ticket to the top. She knows that public support is her key to success
So far, in her quest for power, she has increased the harshness of any proposed marketing ban at every stage and presented a biased case
The Government is restricting our rights to freedom of speech
Any potential marketing ban imposed by the government is a denial of the right to free commercial speech
Even extreme political parties are given this basic liberty, which is going to be denied the tobacco industry