Kaplan-Meier Curves for HF Events Broken Down by EILAH and RELAH and Sham or Atrial Shunt Therapy
Kaplan-Meier curves for heart failure (HF) events broken down by the classification of resting PCWP <15 mm Hg (exercise-induced left atrial hypertension [EILAH], shown in blue) and resting PCWP ≥15 mm Hg (resting left atrial hypertension [RELAH], shown in red) and randomization to sham or atrial shunt therapy. Patients with EILAH had fewer HF events overall, regardless of therapy. The overall log rank score indicates differences between the 4 groups. However, for the entire EILAH and RELAH groups HF events were not different in the sham or treatment groups. The trend toward lower events in the patients with EILAH who were randomized to treatment is likely related to lower peak pulmonary vascular resistance and fewer subjects with pacemakers in this group. Abbreviations as in Figure 1