(Ai) Topography of 10 Hz (9.8–10.2 Hz) power change ANOVA. We computed the power spectral density for every phase condition in the “on” and “off” periods and expressed stimulation-induced changes by log-transforming the ratio of “on” to “off” periods per frequency bin. White marks indicate cluster-corrected p < 0.05. (Aii) Time-frequency ANOVA. Outlined clusters p < 0.05. (Bi) Time-frequency, pre-peak vs. pre-trough, for the frontal ROI (see ROI specification in Materials and methods). Positive values indicate pre-peak > pre-trough. Outlined clusters ANOVA p < 0.05. (Bii) Time-frequency, pre-peak vs. pre-trough, at respective regions of interest. Positive values indicate post-peak > post-trough. Outlined clusters t test p < 0.05. (Ci) Power change spectrum (% change from “off” periods) across the alpha-band frequencies for the 4 targeted phases collapsed across the stimulation period in the frontal ROI. (Cii) Power change spectrum (T-values, one-sample T test) at respective region of interest. Shaded regions p < 0.05. (Di) Topography of frequency change ANOVA. White marks indicate cluster-corrected p < 0.05. (Dii) Frequency change violin plots, stats indicate linear mixed effects model results and contrasts, *** p < 0.001, ** p < 0.01, * p < 0.05, † p < 0.1, Wald tests. (E–H) Show the same analyses/results as A–D, but for experiment 2. ROI, region of interest.