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[Preprint]. 2024 Jun 3:2024.06.02.597035. [Version 1] doi: 10.1101/2024.06.02.597035

Figure 1: CD8+ T cells are present in the brain and meninges of Olig001-SYN transduced mice.

Figure 1:

(A) 8–12 week old WT mice were bilaterally injected for flow cytometry or unilaterally injected for immunohistochemistry with either Olig001-GFP or Olig001-SYN. After four weeks the striatum, dura mater of the meninges, and leptomeninges were collected and processed for flow cytometry (n=4 or 5; 2 mice were pooled for each sample). (B) Representative dot plots from flow cytometry on CD8+ T cells within the striatum of Olig001-GFP and SYN, quantification is to the right of the dot plots. Mean values +/− SEM are plotted, non-parametric Wilcoxon test, *p < 0.05. (C) Flow cytometry dot plots of CD8+ T cells from the dura mater of the meninges of Olig001-GFP or SYN transduced mice; quantification is to the right of dot plots. Mean values +/− SEM are plotted, non-parametric Wilcoxon test, **p < 0.01. (D) Representative images at 20x magnification of WT mice injected with Olig001-GFP or Olig001-SYN. The corpus callosum is labeled as CC and the striatum is labeled as STR. CD8+ T cells (red) in the parenchyma of striatum within areas were pSer129 (green) in Olig001-SYN injected mice. n=3 for immunohistochemistry staining; scale bar is set at 100 μM. Both male and female mice were used for all experiments.