Figure 6: Olig001-SYN transduction enhances CD8+ T cell subsets in the striatum of mice at four weeks.
(A) WT mice were bilaterally injected at 8–12 weeks old with Olig001-GFP (control) or Olig001-SYN in the dorsal lateral striatum harvested four weeks later for spectral flow cytometry. (B) UMAP display the total amount of CD8+ T cells between Olig001-GFP and SYN. (C) UMAP of CD8+ T cells and cell surface markers associated with tissue resident memory in Olig001-SYN inject WT and CD8 knockout mice. (D) Group comparison of the CD8+ T cells tissue resident memory markers between Olig001-GFP and SYN. (E) UMAP of Olig001-GFP and SYN CD8+ T cells identifying 9 clusters associated with unique subpopulations of CD8+ T cells. (F) The number of cells within each cluster between Olig001-GFP and SYN (left), and the frequency of each cluster of CD8+ T cells between Olig001-GFP and SYN (right). (G) quantification spectral flow cytometry of the following CD8+ T cells (gated on singlet, live cells, CD11b−, CD45+, TCRb+, CD8+): CD103+, CD44+, PD-1+, CXCR6+, KLRG1+, and CD62L+. Mean values +/- SEM are plotted, parametric unpaired t-test, *p < 0.05, **p<0.01, *** p <0.001. All spectral flow cytometry experiments had a n=10/group, each point represents one sample and 2 mice were pooled per sample. Both male and female mice were used. All UMAPs presented were generated using metadata from the spectral flow cytometry experiment. (H) Representative images of CD8+ (green) and CD69+ (red) T cells in Olig001-SYN injected mice. Scale bar is set at 10 μM. Both male and female mice were used for all experiments.