Figure 8.
Normalized coverage of mitochondria genomes in mutant lines of interest. Coverage of each Duplex Sequencing (red) or nanopore (blue) library was calculated in 1000-bp windows. Mutant coverage was pooled and divided by WT coverage and the resulting ratios were normalized to 1 for plotting. The total amount of sequencing data used to generate each plot is shown in the top left corner of each panel (red=Duplex Sequencing and blue=nanopore) and is included to highlight the instances where disagreement between the Duplex Sequencing and nanopore lines may be explained by increased variance in the nanopore sample due to lower mtDNA coverage. Repeats that are likely important for driving coverage variation across the mtDNA are plotted above (also see, Table 1) according to Figure 6 of Chevigny et al. 2022. Regions with altered stoichiometry and flanked by repeats are shown as colored blocks, as in Figure 6 of Chevigny et al. 2022.