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[Preprint]. 2024 Jun 8:2024.06.07.597894. [Version 1] doi: 10.1101/2024.06.07.597894

Figure 2: Quantifying choice behavior using a RL model.

Figure 2:

A) The transition matrix showing all possible task states. Task states were defined according to all the possible lever-press to lever-press choice transitions for the task. The sessions always began from an initial state (state 1), which would be equivalent to the pre-task period. The rat (or agent) could then choose to perform either a dLP (blue) or iLP (red) until they made repeated presses on either lever, which would then initiate a forced choice trial (thick lines with open arrows, states 57 or 46). Task state distributions of G1 (B), G2 (C). D) Parameter space of the effects of changing the learning rate (α) and the likelihood of exploration (ε-greedy) on dLP:iLP. The heat plot gives the free choice dLP:iLP produced by different model parameters. γ was held at 0.2 for all simulations. E) Simulations that matched the dLP:iLP of G1 (Left), G2 (Right) sessions were obtained using the same RL parameters (α=0.95; ε-greedy=0.4; γ=0.2) but a dbias term of 0.4 was included for the simulations shown in the right panel. In B and D, the task state frequency distributions were averaged across sessions and normalized to the maximum state visitation frequency.