Fig. 3.
Analysis of LinA expressed in transgenic Arabidopsis. A Western blot analysis of protein extracts of T3 transgenic Arabidopsis lines transformed with pAOs::relinA (A8-1, A6-1, A5-4, A5-3, A5-2, A5-1, and A1-1) and with control empty vector (E11-1), wild type Arabidopsis (WT), and bacterial strain UT26 cells (UT26) was performed using an anti-LinA antibody. Actin was used as a loading control. Black and white triangles indicate native LinA expressed in UT26 cells and LinA expressed in transgenic Arabidopsis, respectively. B Analysis of the glycosylation of LinA expressed in transgenic Arabidopsis line. Protein extract of A5-3 line was treated with ( +) or without (-) glycopeptidases, Endo H (E), PNGase F (P), and O-glycosidase (O). Western blot analysis was performed using an anti-LinA antibody. Actin was used as a loading control. Black and white triangles indicate native LinA expressed in UT26 cells and N-glycosylated LinA expressed in transgenic Arabidopsis, respectively. Gray triangle indicates ca. 17-kDa protein expressed in transgenic Arabidopsis with an unknown modification. C Western blot analysis of protein extracts from root (R) and leaf (L) of transgenic Arabidopsis was performed using an anti-LinA antibody. Actin was used as a loading control. The full uncropped blot images for these figures are provided as Figure S2