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. 2024 Jun 5;11:1398140. doi: 10.3389/frobt.2024.1398140


Evaluation criteria used for inclusion and exclusion.

LOC = location of care All studies must relate to robots targeted to a physical healthcare setting (i.e., a hospital)
NR = Not a robot A robot is defined as: a physically embodied mechanical device with autonomous features
R = Irrelevant Anything which we could not screen from the title review, but is still irrelevant, including articles not written in English, non-peer reviewed (e.g., dissertations), not original research (e.g., other literature reviews), and published prior to 2018; AND no surgical robots
NHI = No human interaction No human interaction. EITHER robot is not intended to work with humans in some way, such as robots that are intended to passively sense or operate in the background; OR study does not include any data or discussion of Human-Robot Interactions, where clinicians/patients interact with the robot, such as descriptions of engineering efforts, validation of control algorithms, or surveys of opinions