a, Fraction of total CD8+ T cells (left), CD8+GrzB+ effector T cells (center) and CD8+GrzB− T cells (right) in the peripheral blood of responding (≤50% viable tumor cells in resected tumors and lymph nodes) and nonresponding patients (>50% viable tumor cells). Each dot represents an individual patient: baseline values are in black and values at day 28 are in red. Whiskers and boxes represent the minimum, first, second and third quartiles and the maximum. Wilcoxon matched pairs signed-rank test was applied for statistical comparison. All P values are two-sided, no adjustments were made for multiple comparisons. b, Fraction of CD16+ neutrophil granulocytes (left), CD14+ monocytes (center) and CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells (Treg, right) in single-cell suspensions from resected tumors. Each dot or box represents a single patient (black, nivolumab; red, nivolumab and relatlimab; MPR, ≤10% viable tumor cells in resected tumors and lymph nodes; no MPR, >10% viable tumor cells). Horizontal lines indicate the mean and s.e.m. c, Differential expression of immune-related and cancer pathway-related genes in response to treatment with nivolumab (left) and nivolumab and relatlimab (right) are presented as volcano plots. Significantly (FDR ≤ 0.05) upregulated (right of 0 line on x axes) and downregulated (left of 0 line on x axes) genes are depicted as blue closed circles. Selected significantly regulated genes are indicated. P values on the y axes were calculated using the two-sided quasi-likelihood F-test approach of EdgeR. d, Differential expression of immune-related genes and cancer pathway-related genes in resected tumors with MPR following treatment with nivolumab (left) and nivolumab and relatlimab (right) compared with resected tumors without MPR. Significantly (FDR ≤ 0.05) upregulated (right of 0 line on x axes) and downregulated (left of 0 line on x axes) genes in tumors with MPR are depicted as blue closed circles. Selected significantly regulated genes are indicated. P values on the y axes were calculated using the two-sided quasi-likelihood F-test approach of EdgeR. There was no significant interaction with MPR following nivolumab treatment.