Fig. 4. T-cell- and plasma-mediated changes in monocytes in ACS.
a,b, Spearman correlations (|cor| ≥ 0.4) between ligand and target genes across all samples (n = 128). Target genes are selected as belonging to the top 1% of features with positive (a) or negative (b) feature weight in IAI (Factor 2). Ligands were selected based on a minimum regulatory potential score of 0.0012 for the shown targets according to the NicheNet model (corresponding to the 97% quantile of the regulatory potential score). Interactions mentioned in the main text are highlighted with a darker color. c, Spearman correlation scores (Cor) of selected ligand–target pairs from a and b. d, A longitudinal comparison of normalized expression values of selected genes for sterile ACS and CCS. Parametric-distributed data were analyzed using ordinary one-way ANOVA with correction for multiple comparisons by Dunnett’s test; nonparametric-distributed data were analyzed using the Kruskal–Wallis test with correction for multiple comparisons by Dunn’s test. Plus and minus signs indicate the direction of the feature factor weight. e, Factor weights of the top 15 ligands with the highest factor weight in IAI (Factor 2). f, Monocyte phenotyping by flow cytometry after incubation with sterile ACS (TP4M) plasma with anti-IL-6 antibody or isotype control. All MFIs were normalized to the respective CCS plasma incubation average of the marker. Paired plasma incubation data with isotype (green dot) and IL-6 (red dot) inhibition are shown (TP4M n = 7). Parametric data were analyzed using the multiple paired t-test (two sided). *P ≤ 0.05; **P ≤ 0.01; ***P ≤ 0.001. Data points of paired data are connected by a line. Exact P and n values are summarized in Supplementary Tables 13 and 14, respectively.