A. Schematic demonstrating imaged areas in panels B-E. These areas include intersegmental vessels (ISVs, black box), and the sub-intestinal vascular plexus (SIVs, magenta box). B. Percentage of ISVs displaying ectopic sprouts in dync1li1WT/WT controls and dync1li1y151/y151 mutants at 96 hpf. n=4 embryos, 10–15 ISVs analyzed per embryo. C-F. Confocal images of ISVs (C,D) or SIVs (E,F) from dync1li1WT/WT control (C,E) and dync1li1y151/y151 mutant siblings (D,F) at 96 hpf. Arrows indicate ectopic vascular sprouts. G. Representative brightfield images of WT control versus dync1li1y151 mutants, demonstrating spinal curvature and small eyes in the mutants (black arrows). Statistics for panel B were calculated using an unpaired t-test with Welch’s correction. Data are presented as the mean ± S.D. Scale bars: 50 um.