Fig. 5. Analysis of overall tertiary fold of the endogenous Commander complex compared to existing literature.
a, A simplified ‘ragdoll’ representation of major components of the Commander complex from this study. b–d, The overall structural model from Healy et al.57 highlight the major differences between these models with alignment centers of the models located at the COMMD-ring (b), V-coil (c) and DENND10 (d). The COMMD-ring is represented by a disc aligned to the COMMD domains, the coiled-coil domains are represented by cylinders (I- and R-coils) or a trapezoidal prism (V-coil + CCDC22 NN–CH), DENND10 as a cylinder and Retriever subcomplex as spheres (VPS29, VPS26C + N-terminal half of VPS35L α-solenoid) or a cylinder (VPS35L C-terminal half of VPS35L α-solenoid). Component relative rotation angles are calculated based on the underlying atomic coordinates of backbone Cα atoms.