Distinct plasma extrachromosomal circular DNA (eccDNA) profiles in papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) patients. (A) Experimental workflow for identifying eccDNA from plasma and tumour tissues. DNA extraction and enrichment from tissue and plasma samples, followed by removal of linear DNA using exonuclease and amplification of eccDNA through rolling circle amplification. Machine learning analysis was conducted to pinpoint eccDNA locations capable of differentiating PTC and nodular thyroid goitre (NOD) patients. (B–G) Genomic and sequence characteristics of plasma eccDNA. (B–E) The eccDNA counts per million mapped reads (EPM) value, number of eccDNA mapped to protein‐coding genes, percent of eccDNA mapped to protein‐coding genes and percent of reads aligned to repeats in each clinical group. (F) Genomic distribution of eccDNA in each clinical group. (G) Principal component analysis (PCA) of differential eccGenes in each clinical group. p values are shown on the graph.