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. 2024 Jun 7;18:1403677. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2024.1403677

Figure 6.

Figure 6

Analyses revealing successful transfer-learning of delta-CSP features for dyslexia classification across story listening and rhythmic syllable repetition tasks. (A) Delta-CSP filters for the rhythmic syllable task (orange) show higher weights on right temporal channels when compared to the delta-CSP filters of the story-listening task (teal) that show higher weights on occipital / central channels. (B) Similar AUCs for linear SVMs classifying dyslexics and typically-developing children on the rhythmic syllable repetition task with its original cross-validated CSPs (BABA-BABA) and with CSPs derived from the story listening task (BABA-STORY). SVMs using spatially shuffled versions of the story CSPs (BABA-STORY_SH) resulted in chance-level performance (black).