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. 2024 Apr 22;42(18):2219–2232. doi: 10.1200/JCO.23.02353


Clinical Studies on the Otoprotective Effect of STS (with a control group)

Author, Year Design Patient Characteristics No.: STS Group No.: Comparison Group Platinum Treatment STS Specification Audiometry FU Time Hearing Function Outcomes P Adverse Events Survival
With STS Without STS
Studies in adults
 Zuur et al,60 2007 RCT: phase 3 HNSCC
Median age: 55 years
78: CIS + STS + radiotherapy (70 Gy) 80: CIS only + radiotherapy (70 Gy) CIS + STS
CIS IA; 4× 150 mg/m2
CIS only
CIS IV; 3×
100 mg/m2
9 g/m2 for 30 minutes + 12 g/m2 for 2 hours
Concurrent with CIS
0.25-16 kHz
Median: 8 weeks post-Tx HTL shifts >10 dB over time
Mean HTL shift up to 4 kHz: 5.3 dB, and up to 12.5 kHz: 20.4 dB
HTL shifts >10 dB over time
Mean HTL shift up to 4 kHz: 8.9 dB, and up to 12.5 kHz: 19.0 dB
<.001 (≤4 kHz) NA NA
 Ishikawa et al,53 2015 Prospective cohort study HNSCC
Age: 45-82 years
7: CIS + STS + radiotherapy (60-70 Gy) 11: CIS only + radiotherapy (60-70 Gy) CIS + STS
CIS IA; 2-5×
100-180 mg/m2
CIS only
CIS IV; 1-3×
66-85 mg/m2
14 g/m2 for 4 hours
Concurrent with CIS
0.125-12 kHz
1-3 weeks post-Tx From baseline
HTL shifts of 20 dB at 10 and 12 kHz
From baseline
HTL shifts of 15-25 dB at 8 and 10 kHz
Studies in mixed cohorts of children and adults
 Neuwelt et al,62 1998 Cohort study STS group: prospective
Comparison group: retrospective
Brain tumors
Age: 2-68 years
15: CARBO + STS 16 or 20 mg/m2
4: CARBO + STS 4 or 8 mg/m2
19: CARBO only BBBD + CARBO IA over 10-min
400 mg/m2 per month
4-12 courses
STS IV over 15 minutes
4-20 mg/m2
2 hours after CARBO
0.25-8 kHz
Each month during Tx HL in 33% with STS 16 or 20 mg/m2a
Average loss after first cycle: 3.7 ± 2.0 dB at 8 kHz
HL in 79%
Average loss after first cycle: 20.8 ± 5.9 dB at 8 kHz
<.05 Mild nausea, vomiting
HN, ↑ blood pressure
 Doolittle et al,61 2001 Cohort study STS group: prospective
Comparison group: retrospective
Brain tumors
Age: 4-67 years
24: CARBO + STS after 2 hours
17: CARBO + STS after 4 hours
19: CARBO only BBBD + CARBO IA over 10-min
400 mg/m2 per month
1-7 courses
STS IV over 15 minutes
16 or 20 mg/m2
2 or 4 hours after CARBO
0.25-8 kHz
Each month during Tx STS2h: HL in 52%
HTL shift at 8 and 4 kHz: 41.7 dB and 35.4 dB, respectively
STS4h: HL in 29%
HTL shift at 8 and 4 kHz: 34.1 dB and 28.6 dB, resp.
HL in 84%
HTL shift at 8 and 4 kHz: 64.4 dB and 51.6 dB, respectively
.001 (at 8 kHz)
.0075 (at 4 kHz)
Studies in children and adolescents
 Freyer et al,41 2017 RCT: multicenter, open-label, phase 3 Any tumor
Age: 1-18 years
49: CIS + STS 55: CIS only CIS IV 6×
CIS + STS: 393 mg/m2 (290-420)
CIS only: 387 mg/m2 (305-466)
STS IV over 15 minutes
16 g/m2
6 hours after CIS
0.5-8 kHz
4 weeks post-Tx
EFS + OS: median
3.5 years
HL in 29% HL in 56% .00022 Nephrotoxicity
EFS + OS in both groups: P = .36 and .07, respectively
EFS + OS in LD (N = 77): P = .73 and .88, respectively
OS in DD (N = 47): P = .009
 Brock et al,40 2018 RCT SR HBL
Age: 0-8 years
57: CIS + STS 52: CIS only CIS IV 6×
80 mg/m2
STS IV over 15 minutes
20 mg/m2
6 hours after CIS
1-8 kHz
During Tx
EFS + OS: median
3.0 years
HL in 33% HL in 63% .002 Neutropenia, HM, HP, HK 3-yr EFS in CIS + STS group: 82%, 95% CI 69%-90%; in CIS alone group 79%, 95% CI 65%-88%
3-yr OS CIS + STS: 98%, 95% CI 88%-100%; CIS alone 92%, 95% CI 81%-97%

Abbreviations: BBBD, blood-brain barrier disruption; CARBO, carboplatin; CIS, cisplatin; DD, disseminated disease; EFS, event-free survival; FU, follow-up; HBL, hepatoblastoma; HK, hypokalemia; HL, hearing loss; HM, hypermagnesemia; HN, hypernatremia; HNSCC, head and neck squamous cell carcinoma; HP, hypophosphatemia; HTL, hearing threshold level; IA, intra-arterial; IV, intravenous; LD, localized disease; NA, not assessed; OS, overall survival; RCT, randomized controlled trial; SR, standard risk; STS, sodium thiosulfate; Tx, treatment.


Most patients who received 4 or 8 mg/m2 developed hearing loss.