Relationships/Social |
Impact on family/being a burden |
“My daughters worry about my health causing me to worry about them”“My fear of becoming a burden on my family. [We have a “high performing” family and I don’t want to be a drag on their potential]” |
10.2% (23) |
Others’ perceptions |
“tremor. [difficulty typing, using keyboard mouse, afraid what people think]”“the hardest part is that I’m still hiding this disease from everybody. But if I tell people I have Parkinson’s disease they’ll just stare at me and I don’t know if I’ll get the right support in at least in my workplace. It bothers me the most that this movement disorder makes people stare and not understand how difficult.” |
10.2% (23) |
Social isolation |
“Afraid to leave your home. [Always in isolation]”“Negative effect on relationships leading to isolation and depression.. [I haven’t changed, but people, understandably, treat me differently. I am perceived as a liability now, not an asset.]” |
10.2% (23) |
Dependence |
Disability |
“I will end up immobile and require professional assistance such as living in a care facility”“Fear of husbands health failing or of him dying and knowing that I can’t live alone, and knowing I am no longer independent.. [Causes depression, and then I do not function well, knowing that if I fall I cannot help myself up and neither can my husband. Fear makes me want to do nothing and it is a fight to keep going.]” |
7.1% (16) |
Prognosis/progression |
Uncertainty about future |
“This is actually the worst problem with my PD = fear of progression and the future”“PD consumes my thoughts. [I changed my outlook on life. Worry about future]” |
26.7% (60) |
Fears of death/dying |
“Thinking about dying when or if it will happen soon or how long do I really have left”“Possibility of short life span. [Scares me.]” |
4.4% (10) |
Day-to-day variability |
“It is difficult to know how far you can travel not knowing if it will be a good day”“I don’t have the stamina that I once had, and I don’t linked to age. I have to leave dinners and special sports occasions because I might crash.” |
4.8% (11) |
Employment |
Work-related |
“My work and office are very accommodating but I am not sure how long I can keep this up. I fear I am a liability so I wont let them file accidents reports when I fall.”“I lost my coaching job. [My medication at the time caused liability issues for my work.]” |
4.4% (10) |
Personal Safety |
Safety |
“Can’t drive fast out of fear of hitting with road divider or surrounding vehicles or persons, can’t take sharp turning, always feel afraid of loosing control in high speed”“R hand tremor. [Using kitchen knife is scary!]” |
5.8% (13) |
Specific symptoms |
Cognitive impairment |
“I fear the future and am terrified of getting dementia”“Fear of dementia and loss of spouse relationship. [It dwells in a corner of my mind most of the time, and makes me turn to God for comfort.]” |
10.6% (24) |
Falling |
“Frightful of falling while dressing and walking around clutter”“Apprehension when moving cautiously about –re: possibility of stumbling or tripping and falling. [When waling down stairs]” |
10.6% (24) |
Cramps/spasms |
“I’m always afraid of getting cramps when I stretch.”“Spasms, facial. [Afraid the spasms will occur in a meeting]” |
4.8% (11) |
Unclassifiable motor symptoms |
“Trepidation about doing anything involving movement”“physical discomfort, worry” |
12.4% (28) |
Bladder symptoms |
“Bladder control. [Nervous of leakage]”“incontinence. [afraid of messing self, pullups are expensive]” |
4.8% (11) |
Constipation |
“Constipation, lack of regular bowel movements. [Anxiety about being in wrong place when bowel movements might occur]”“Constipation ibs. [Constant worry about using bathroom]” |
4.8% (11) |
Sleep-related |
“Loss of sleep time, anxiety about being able to fall asleep”“I get sleepy middle of the day. [I’m afraid someone will catch me zoning out..]” |
4.4% (10) |