Figure 1.
Insulin action in the absence or presence of 100 nM insulin in myotubes from lean and individuals with severe obesity in response to 24 h of resveratrol treatment (Resv). A: absolute rates of glycogen synthesis. B: fold change in glycogen synthesis over noninsulin, non-Resv condition. C: absolute rates of glucose oxidation. D: fold change in glucose oxidation over noninsulin, non-Resv condition. Following detecting significance for either group, treatment and/or interaction effect using three-way ANOVA, distinguishing meaningful differences were performed using a two-tailed Student’s t test. There were main effects (P < 0.05) for insulin and resveratrol for both glycogen synthesis and glucose oxidation. There was a group effect (P < 0.05) for insulin-stimulated glycogen synthesis and glucose oxidation. This indicates that resveratrol treatment enhances insulin action in severely obese subjects; however, that did not mitigate the difference between groups. Data are presented as means ± SE. n = 8 per group (all females); *P < 0.05 for selected comparison; #P < 0.05 for resveratrol. CTR, control.