Table 1.
Variable | Question | Categories in dataset | Categories desired for analysis |
State/region | State federal information processing standard (fip) code | States listed with #: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 53, 54, 55, 56, 66, 72, 78 |
1 = Northeast (9, 23, 25, 33, 34, 36, 42, 44, 50) 2 = Midwest (17, 18, 19, 20, 26, 27, 29, 31, 38, 39, 46, 55) 3= south (1, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 24, 28, 37, 40, 45, 47, 48, 51, 54) 4 = west (2, 4, 6, 8, 15, 16, 30, 32, 35, 41, 49, 53, 56) 0 = guam, puerto rico, and virgin islands (66,72,78) |
Sex | What is your sex? | 1 = male 2 = female 3 = other 7 = do not know/ not sure 9 = refused |
1 = male 0 = female |
General health | Would you say that in general, your health is | 1 - excellent 2 - very good 3 - good 4 - fair 5 - poor 7 – do not know/not sure 9 - refused Blank - not asked/missing |
1 = excellent, very good 2 = good health 0 = fair, poor |
Health care coverage | Do you have any kind of health care coverage, including health insurance, prepaid plans, such as Health Maintenance Organization (hmos), or government plans, such as Medicare and Medicaid, or Indian Health Services? | 1 - yes 2 - no 7 – do not know/not sure 9 - refused Blank - not asked/missing |
1 = yes 0 = no |
Personal doctor | Do you have one person you think of as your personal doctor or health care provider? | 1 - yes, only one 2 - more than one 3 - no 7 – do not know/not sure 9 - refused Blank - not asked/missing |
1 = yes, one or more doctors 0 = no |
Medical cost | Was there a time in the past 12 months when you needed to see a doctor but could not because of cost? | 1 - yes 2 - no 7 – do not know/not sure 9 - refused Blank - not asked/missing |
1 = yes 0 = no |
Checkups | About how long has it been since you visited a doctor for a routine checkup? | 1 - within the past year 2 - within the past 2 years 3 - within the past 5 years 4 - 5+ years ago 7 – do not know/not sure 8 - never 9 - refused Blank - not asked/missing |
1 = past month/year 0 = past 5 or more years |
Hypertension | Are you currently taking medication for high blood pressure? | 1 - yes 2 - no 7 – do not know/not sure 9 - refused Blank - not asked/missing |
1 = yes 0 = no |
Diabetes | (Ever told) you have diabetes | 1 - yes 2 - yes, but the female said that during pregnancy 3 - no 4 - no, prediabetes or borderline diabetes 7 – do not know/not sure 9 - refused Blank - not asked/missing |
1 = yes 0 = no |
Education level | What is the highest grade or year of school you completed? | 1 - never attended or only kindergarten 2 - grades 1 through 8 3 - grades 9 through 11 4 - grade 12 or GED 5 - college 1 year through 3 years 6 - college 4 years or more 9 - refused Blank - not asked/missing |
1 = less than high school 2 = graduated high school 3 = attended college 4 = graduated college |
Employment | Are you currently..? | 1 - employed for wages 2 - self-employed 3 - out of work for 1 year or more 4 - out of work for less than 1 year 5 - a homemaker 6 - a student 7 - retired 8 - unable to work 9 - refused Blank - not asked/missing |
1 = employed 2 = unemployed 3 = homemaker 4 = student 5 = retired 6 = unable to work |
Income levels | Is your annual household income from all sources: | 1 - < USD 10,000 2 - < USD 15,000 3 - < USD 20,000 4 - < USD 25,000 5 - < USD 35,000 6 - < USD 50,000 7 - < USD 75,000 8 - USD 75,000 or more 77 – do not know/ not sure 99 - refused Blank - not asked/missing |
1 = < USD 35,000 2 = USD 35,000–74,999 3 = more than USD 75,000 |
Blindness | Are you blind or do you have serious difficulty seeing, even when wearing glasses? | 1 - yes 2 - no 7 – do not know/not sure 9 - refused Blank - not asked/missing |
1 = yes 0 = no |
Type of insurance coverage | What is the primary source of your health care coverage? Is it… | 1 - plan through employer/union 2 - plan that you or another family member buys 3 - medicare 4 - medicaid or other state programs 5 - TRICARE, Veterans Affairs, and military 6 - Alaskan Native, Indian health service, and tribal health services 7 - some other source 8 - none 77 – do not know/not sure 99 - refused Blank - not asked/missing |
1 = through employer 2 = personal plan 3 = state program 4 = military 5 = other |
Race/ ethnicity | Imputed race/ethnicity value | 1 - white, non-Hispanic 2 - black, non-Hispanic 3 - Asian, non-Hispanic 4 - American Indian/Alaskan Native, non-Hispanic 5 - Hispanic 6 - other races, non-Hispanic |
1 = white, non-Hispanic 2 = black, non-Hispanic 3 = Hispanic 0 = other |
Age | 14-level age categories | 1 - aged from 18 to 24 2 - aged from 25 to 29 3 - aged from 30 to 34 4 - aged from 35 to 39 5 - aged from 40 to 44 6 - aged from 45 to 49 7 - aged from 50 to 54 8 - aged from 55 to 59 9 - aged from 60 to 64 10 - aged from 65 to 69 11 - aged from 70 to 74 12 - aged from 75 to 79 13 - aged 80 or older 14 – do not know/ refused/missing |
1 = 40–44 years old 2 = 45–49 years old 3 = 50–54 years old 4 = 55–59 years old 5 = 60–64 years old 6 = 65–69 years old 7 = 70–74 years old 8= 75–79 years old 9 = 80+ years old 0 = < 40 years old |
BMI | Four categories of body mass index | 1 – underweight (BMI < 5th percentile) 2 - normal weight (5th percentile < = BMI < 85th percentile) 3 - overweight (85th percentile < = BMI < 95th percentile) 4 – obese (BMI >= 95th percentile) Blank- do not know/ refused/ missing |
1 = underweight 2 = normal weight 3 = overweight/obese |
Language | Language identifier | 1 = English 2 = Spanish 3–99 = other |
1 = English 0 = Spanish |
Region classification | Region | 1 = urban 2= rural |
1 = urban 0 = rural |
The BMI categories are based on the CDC's categorization that is age and gender-specific.