Localization of pro-CO factors is decreased in wild-type, Rnf212b−/−, Rnf212−/−, and Rnf212b−/− Rnf212−/− (DKO) spermatocytes. Double immunolabeling of SYCP3 and TEX11, RPA, MZIP2, or MSH4. In late zygonema and mid pachynema, foci were significantly reduced in Rnf212b−/−, Rnf212−/−, and Rnf212b−/− Rnf212−/− (DKO) in comparison with the wild-type control. Plots in the Right of the panels represent the quantitation of the values. Two-tailed Welch’s t test analysis: ****P < 0.0001. Bar in all panels, 10 μm. All experiments have been carried out in at least three mice and 15 cells per mouse.