Extended data Figure 2. Cluster controls.
a) Heatmap showing weights of the principal components from sparse principal component analysis of Mus and Rhabdomys dLGN unit firing rates in response to temporally modulated stimulus. Stimulus profile is shown in upper panel. Rows of heatmap depict the sparse principal components contributing to >1% variance, organised according to time of peak. b) Normalized Bayesian information criterion (BIC) curve; pink point indicates the optimal numbers of clusters (15). c&d) Number (c) and distribution (d) of clusters assigned to each species when cluster number is fixed (ranging from 10–20 clusters). Note that irrespective of cluster number, the differences among species remains consistent. Rhabdomys in red and Mus in cyan. e) Heatmap showing percentage of responses from each cluster as a function of experiment (14 recordings in Rhabdomys; 12 recordings in Mus). f) Histogram showing correlation between Mus and Rhabdomys cluster PSTHs within clusters (black) and between clusters (red). g) Euclidian difference in cluster distribution between species (green line), showed alongside histogram of null distribution of shuffled experiments (p=0). h) Mean response profile of each cluster, separated into Rhabdomys (red) and Mus (cyan).