Fig. 6.
Classification using only pairwise metrics. A) Feature selection for the unimodal case using only pairwise metrics. Solid lines and shaded areas represent the average and standard deviation, respectively. B) Same as A) but for the multi-modal case. C) HOFC outperformed pairwise FC, as shown by the distributions of AUC values for 300 random data splits for the cross-validation procedure. Gray distributions represent the features obtained by the high-order (HO) approach, while the colored ones represent the corresponding distribution obtained using pairwise metrics. Asterisks denote Mann-Whitney p-value <10−6. fMRI: functional magnetic resonance imaging. EEG: electroencephalogram. bvFTD: behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia. AD: Alzheimer’s disease; CN: healthy controls group; AUC: Area under the receiver operating characteristic curve; HO: high-order.