Figure 3. Free energy surfaces and dynamic transitions determined by a Markov State Model (MSM) for apo, ATP-, and ATP/PKI-bound PKA-C.
(A) Free energy landscape projected along the first two time-lagged independent components (tICs) of apo PKA-C, featuring three basins, ground state (GS), ES1, and ES2. The transition from GS to ES1 (arrow) highlights the changes around the αB-αC loop, with the disruption of the K72–E91 salt bridge and the PIF pocket (V80–I85–F347) hydrophobic interactions. The GS to ES2 transition (arrow) displays the rearrangement of the hydrophobic packing around the αC-β4 loop. (B, C) Free energy surfaces projected along the first two tICs for the ATP- and ATP/PKI-bound PKA-C, respectively. Known crystal structures for the three forms are indicated by small white triangles.