Injected TiO2nanoparticles promote tumour growth in mice. (a) Bioluminescence images of B16F10-Luc tumour in mice with or without TiO2 injection (UNTX, untreated control), and (b) quantitation of average luminescence intensity. (c) Average tumour growth and (d) photograph of tumour-bearing mice in different treatment groups. (e) Photograph of tumours and (f) weight of B16F10-Luc tumour removed on day 16 from mice injected with TiO2 NPs. (g) Bodyweight of mice after TiO2 NP injection. (h-j) Average tumour growth in mice using different tumour models: (h) MC38, (i) CT26, and (j) 4T1 carcinoma tumour model. (k) Average tumour growth curve of B16F10 tumour in nude mice with or without TiO2 NP injection. (l-o) Left: photographs of (l) single-walled carbon nanotube (SWNT) suspension, (m) silica gel, (n) titanium alloy, and (o) polyimide; right: average tumour growth curve of mice injected with (l) SWNT suspension, (m) silica gel, (n) titanium alloy, and (o) polyimide. (p) A schematic diagram of refractory-degradable implanted biomaterials establishes an immunosuppressive microenvironment. Values indicate mean ± SEM (n=4-5). *P<0.05, **P<0.01, ***P<0.005 by Student`s t-test.