Rheometric analysis of coiled‐coil XTEN‐based hydrogels. G′: storage modulus represented by dark‐colored closed circles, G″: loss modulus represented by light‐colored open circles. PXP in red, T40A in blue, Q54A in green, and T40A+Q54A in orange. a) Representative strain sweeps for all gel types at 37 °C and 30 rad s−1 from 0 – 500% strain. Shear‐thinning or injectable behavior is observed for all gel types by strain crossover points (G″ > G′) indicated by colored arrows. b) Strain crossover values reported from strain sweeps showing a statistically significant decrease (p < 0.05) in strain crossover with the introduction of both mutations (T40A+Q54A) at 37 °C (open bars) and 25 °C (hatched bars). c) Representative frequency sweeps for all gel types at 37 °C and 5% strain from 0.1 – 100 rad s−1. Frequency crossover points indicated by colored arrows. A lengthened linear viscoelastic range (LVER) is observed after the introduction of point mutations as demonstrated by the length of plateau storage modulus (G′) in frequency sweeps. d) Frequency crossover reported from frequency sweeps indicating improved stability with mutations due to increased LVER (no crossover for Q54A and T40A+Q54A). Bars represent the mean of N = 5 replicates, error bars indicate SEM. A multiple comparisons two‐way ANOVA table was implemented for mutant comparison (* p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, **** p < 0.0001).