Table 2. Baseline Features Associated With Differential Improvement in Depression Severity With Ketamine vs Electroconvulsive Therapy.
Measure by treatment-by-time interaction | F test | df a | P value |
QIDS-SR16 b | |||
NAART-35 standardized scorec | 1.38 | 6/2004 | .22 |
Baseline QIDS-SR16 scoreb | 3.19 | 6/2021 | .004d |
MoCA scoree | 1.22 | 6/2020 | .29 |
HVLT-R delayed recall T scoref | 0.56 | 6/2015 | .76 |
Concurrent benzodiazepine use | 1.16 | 6/2020 | .33 |
Concurrent atypical antipsychotic medication use | 1.02 | 6/2021 | .41 |
BMI | 1.31 | 6/1940 | .25 |
History of suicide attempt | 0.54 | 6/2021 | .78 |
Inpatient status at first treatment | 3.95 | 6/2021 | <.001d |
Presence of anxious features | 0.50 | 6/2021 | .81 |
Comorbid PTSD diagnosis | 0.66 | 6/2021 | .69 |
MADRS g | |||
NAART-35 standardized scorec | 2.07 | 6/2005 | .05 |
Baseline MADRS scoreg | 3.03 | 6/2016 | .006 |
MoCA scoree | 1.27 | 6/2020 | .27 |
HVLT-R delayed recall T scoref | 1.39 | 6/2016 | .22 |
Concurrent benzodiazepine use | 0.97 | 6/2021 | .44 |
Concurrent atypical antipsychotic medication use | 1.68 | 6/2022 | .12 |
BMI | 1.25 | 6/1941 | .28 |
History of suicide attempt | 0.24 | 6/2022 | .96 |
Inpatient status at first treatment | 1.73 | 6/2022 | .11 |
Presence of anxious features | 0.84 | 6/2022 | .54 |
Comorbid PTSD diagnosis | 0.72 | 6/2022 | .63 |
Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index (calculated as weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared); HVLT-R, Hopkins Verbal Learning Test-Revised; MADRS, Montgomery-Åsberg Depression Rating Scale; MoCA, Montreal Cognitive Assessment; NAART-35, North American Adult Reading Test-35; PTSD, posttraumatic stress disorder; QIDS-SR16, 16-item Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology Self-Report.
Presented as numerator df/denominator df.
Scores range from 0 to 27, with more than 20 indicating very severe depression.
Scores range from 57 to 113 in the ELEKT-D: Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) vs Ketamine in Patients With Treatment Resistant Depression (TRD) (ELEKT-D) trial, with higher scores indicating higher premorbid intelligence.
Significant after false discovery rate correction for multiple comparisons.
Scores range from 0 to 30, with higher scores indicating normal cognition.
Scores range from −11 to 62 in ELEKT-D, with higher scores indicating better functioning.
A 10-item clinician-rated scale, ranging from 0 to 60, in which a score greater than 36 indicates very severe depression.