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. 2024 Jun 7;73:102676. doi: 10.1016/j.eclinm.2024.102676

Table 1.

Child characteristics at index admission and discharge.

All participants (N = 2874) No readmission (N = 2368) At least one readmission (N = 506) P-value
 Cohort strata
 Not wasted (NW) 1072 (37) 899 (38) 173 (34) 0.23
 Moderately wasted (MW) 724 (25) 595 (25) 129 (26)
 Severely wasted/kwashiorkor (SKW) 1078 (38) 874 (37) 204 (40)
 Age — months median (IQR) 10.8 (6.8–15.6) 11.0 (7.0–15.8) 10.3 (6.2–14.8) 0.01
 Sex — no. (%)
 Male 1635 (57) 1327 (56) 308 (61) 0.05
 Female 1239 (43) 1041 (44) 198 (39)
 Recruiting site
 Kilifi County Hospital, Kenya 227 (7.9) 187 (7.9) 40 (7.9) <0.0001
 Mbagathi Hospital, Kenya 254 (8.8) 199 (8.4) 55 (11)
 Migori County Hospital, Kenya 233 (8.1) 209 (8.8) 24 (4.7)
 Mulago National Rereferral Hospital, Uganda 446 (16) 369 (16) 77 (15)
 Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital, Malawi 285 (9.9) 220 (9.3) 65 (13)
 Dhaka Hospital, Bangladesh 385 (13) 291 (12) 94 (19)
 Matlab Hospital, Bangladesh 311 (11 270 (11) 41 (8.1)
 Karachi Civil Hospital, Pakistan 337 (12) 272 (11) 65 (13)
 Banfora Regional Referral Hospital, Burkina Faso 396 (14) 351 (15) 45 (8.9)
 Length of admission — days median (IQR) 4 (2–7) 4 (2–7) 5 (3–8) 0.02
 Discharge on a weekend — no. (%) 572 (20) 467 (20) 105 (21) 0.60
 Leaving against medical advice 205 (7.1) 177 (7.5) 28 (5.5) 0.12
 Change in anthropometry at hospital dischargea
 No change 2447 (85) 2014 (85) 433 (86) 0.02
 Improved 354 (12) 302 (13) 52 (10)
 Worsened 73 (2.5) 52 (2.2) 21 (4.2)
Clinical presentation at admission
 SIRS — no. (%)b 948 (33) 747 (32) 201 (40) <0.0001
 Severe pneumonia — no. (%)c 589 (20) 462 (20) 127 (25) 0.005
 Diarrhoea — no. (%) 1580 (55) 1317 (56) 263 (52) 0.14
 Malaria (RDT positive) — no. (%) 408 (14) 350 (15) 58 (11) 0.008
 Anaemia — no. (%)d
 None 558 (19) 458 (19) 100 (20) 0.90
 Mild 652 (23) 532 (22) 120 (24)
 Moderate 1261 (44) 1046 (44) 215 (42)
 Severe 403 (14) 332 (14) 71 (14)
 Blood glucose — no. (%)e
 Normal blood glucose 2674 (93) 2202 (93) 472 (93) 0.82
 Abnormal blood glucose 200 (7.0) 166 (7.0) 34 (6.7)
Acute illness at index discharge
 SIRS — no. (%)b 415 (14) 338 (14) 77 (15) 0.58
 Severe pneumonia — no. (%)c 167 (5.8) 140 (5.9) 27 (5.3) 0.62
 Anaemia — no. (%)d
 None 357 (12) 279 (12) 78 (15) 0.03
 Mild 711 (25) 607 (26) 104 (21)
 Moderate 1586 (55) 1302 (55) 284 (56)
 Severe 220 (7.7) 180 (7.6) 40 (7.9)
HIV status
HIV status — no. (%)
 Negative 2570 (89) 2138 (90) 432 (85) 0.001
 HIV infected 77 (2.7) 45 (1.9) 24 (4.7)
 HIV exposed 158 (5.5) 124 (5.2) 34 (6.7)
 Refused/untested 69 (2.4) 61 (2.6) 16 (3.2)
Underlying conditions
 Stunting — no. (%)f
 None 1469 (51) 1239 (52) 230 (45) <0.0001
 Moderate 665 (23) 554 (23) 111 (22)
 Severe 740 (26) 575 (24) 165 (33)
 Small birth size — no. (%)g 482 (17) 387 (16) 95 (19) 0.18
 Chronic conditions — no. (%)h 192 (6.7) 130 (5.5) 62 (12) <0.0001
 Prior hospitalization — no. (%)
 No prior admission 2140 (74) 1821 (77) 319 (63) <0.0001
 Prior admission 734 (26) 547 (23) 187 (37)
Caregiver characteristics
 Biological mother is primary caregiver — no. (%) 2743 (95) 2263 (96) 480 (95) 0.49
 Mother currently sick — no. (%) 426 (15) 348 (15) 78 (15) 0.68
 Caregiver education — no. (%)
 None 749 (26) 624 (26) 125 (25) 0.16
 Primary 1228 (43) 1023 (43) 205 (41)
 Secondary/Tertiary 897 (31) 721 (30) 176 (35)
 Maternal mental health (PHQ9) score — no. (%)
 None to mild 2338 (81) 1957 (83) 381 (75) <0.0001
 Moderate to severe 536 (19) 411 (17) 125 (25)
 Mother working — no. (%)
 Self-employed 570 (20) 469 (20) 101 (20) 0.29
 Employed 282 (9.8) 223 (9.4) 59 (12)
 No reported income 2022 (70) 1676 (71) 346 (68)
Household-level exposures
 Assets index — no. (%)
 Quintile 1 (Least assets) 541 (19) 462 (20) 79 (16) 0.02
 Quintile 2 553 (19) 471 (20) 82 (16)
 Quintile 3 570 (20) 469 (20) 101 (20)
 Quintile 4 598 (21) 476 (20) 122 (24)
 Quintile 5 (Most assets) 612 (21) 490 (21) 122 (24)
 Household food insecurity — no. (%)
 Low 1745 (61) 1465 (62) 280 (55) 0.004
 Medium 776 (27) 632 (27) 144 (28)
 High 353 (12) 271 (11) 82 (16)
Access to health care
 Distance to study hospital (km) median (IQR) 8.94 (4.40–19.7) 9.28 (4.51–21.0) 7.78 (4.06–14.5) 0.002
 Distance to nearest health facility (km) median (IQR) 1.26 (0.52–3.09) 1.31 (0.55–3.24) 1.05 (0.44–2.56) 0.003

Data are N (%) or median (IQR), P-values are from chi-square or Wilcoxon Rank Sum tests.

Abbreviation: IQR, Interquartile range; SIRS, Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome; RDT, rapid diagnostic test.


Change in anthropometry was estimated using Mid-Upper Arm circumference (MUAC), improved means discharge MUAC was greater than admission MUAC, while worsen means the MUAC declined at discharge.


SIRS defined as presence of two of the following four criteria; heart rate low (<90) or high (>180)/min; temperature low (<36 °C) or high (≥38.5 °C); respiratory rate high (>34 breaths per minute) and WBC low (<5 × 109/l) or high (>17.5 × 109/l).


Severe pneumonia: Cough or difficulty in breathing with; oxygen saturation <90% or central cyanosis, or grunting, very severe chest indrawing, or inability to breastfeed or drink, lethargy or reduced level of consciousness, convulsions.


Anaemia by haemoglobin defined as None: >11, Mild: 10–11, Moderate: 7–10 and Severe: <7.0 g/dl.


Abnormal blood glucose defined as blood glucose <3 or 10 mmol/l.


Stunting: none, length-for-age z score ≥−2; moderate, length-for-age z score −2 to −3; severe, length-for-age z score <−3.


Small birth size was defined as reported low birth weight (<2.5 kg) or born premature.


Chronic conditions includes thalassemia, cerebral palsy, sickle cell disease, congenital cardiac disease and known TB.