n = 12; a: Energy store of fat-free mass (FFM) was calculated as follows: (adjusted FFM measured by bioelectrical impedance (BIA) after six months) – (baseline FFM measured using the doubly labeled water (DLW) method). The adjusted FFM was obtained from the following relational expression using the baseline FFM and FM: y = 1.0715x + 2.125, R2 = 0.7398; b: Energy store of fat mass (FM) was calculated as follows: (weight after six months – adjusted FFM) – (baseline FM measured using the DLW method); c: Total energy accumulation for six months was obtained by summing the energy stores of FFM and FM; d: Total energy accumulation/kg for six months was obtained by dividing the total energy accumulation for six months by the weight change for six months; e: Energy balance (kcal/day) was calculated as follows: 1.0(kcal/g) × ⊿FFM/⊿t + 9.5 (kcal/g) × ⊿FFM/⊿t, t = 221 days. The energy density of FFM was 1.0 kcal/g, and that of the FM was 9.5 kcal/g; f: Total energy expenditure (TEE) measured using the DLW method; g: TEE Japan-DRI was estimated using the following equation of DRI for the Japanese population: resting energy expenditure (REE) × physical activity coefficient (PAL) + energy deposition; h: TEE equation by Kaneko et al.; REE predicted by equation of Kaneko et al. ×PAL+ energy deposition; i: REE Japan-DRI was estimated using the DRI for Japanese individuals. REE standard (kcal/kg/day) × body weight (kg). The REE values used for boys aged 15–17 years and 12–14 years were 27 and 31; j: REE equation proposed by Kaneko et al. For boys: 14.4 × body weight + 5.09 × height − 34.0 × age + 403; k: Physical activity (PA) excluding training time was measured using an accelerometer. Moderate and vigorous physical activity (MVPA), sedentary behavior (SB), and low physical activity (LPA); l: Physical activity level (PAL) was calculated as TEEDLW/REE, according to the equation used in Kaneko et al. study.