Heat map of gene expression changes in the 268 DREAM genes [37]. There is activation of the DREAM pathway with the downregulation (green) of DREAM-regulated genes with single-hormone administration in vitro of DHT in ER+ PDX HCI-005 and GAR15-13 [65] or estrogens (ER10, ER-transfected MCF-7 cells [21]), as well as ER+ breast cancers in post-menopausal patients who respond with a post-treatment decrease in ROR to estrogen (PRESTO-R [27]), aromatase inhibitors (POETIC-R [73]) or ICI 182,780 (NEWEST-R [77]). Patients who have not responded with a decrease in ROR score to either ICI 182,780 (NEWEST non-R [77]), aromatase inhibitors (POETIC non-R [73]) or estrogen (PRESTO non-R [27]) show minimal change in these genes. Even though the ZR-75-1 cell line expresses the AR and is growth-inhibited by DHT, there are no changes in DREAM genes with DHT [65]. In contrast, estrogen treatments of mock-transfected MCF-7 cells (EM10 [21]) show the upregulation of virtually all the DREAM genes. V—in vitro, A—treated with DHT (dihydrotestosterone), E—treated with estrogen, P—post-menopausal ER+ breast cancer patients, F—treated with Fulvestrant (ICI 182,780), AI—treated with aromatase inhibitors.