Figure 2.
Harmonia axyridis. (A) SEM dorsal view of the head capsule showing the position of the mandibles (MA). (B) SEM ventral view of the head capsule showing the position of the mandibles (MA). (C) SEM image showing the mandible in dorsal view, with details of the molar teeth (arrowheads) positioned distally and proximally. The medial region is occupied by the prostheca (PR) and cuticular pores (white arrowheads). At the mandible base, a condyle (CO) and sensilla trichoidea (ST) are visible. Inset image: higher magnification image of a cuticular pore. (D) SEM image showing the mandible in ventral view. Besides the molar teeth (arrowheads), two basal condyles (CO) are shown. The PR completely occupies the region between the molar teeth. (E) SEM frontal view of the mandible, with evidence of the molar teeth (arrowheads) and PR. (F) SEM detail of the PR, showing the basal region connected with the mandible and the apical part characterised by abundant short setae. (G). Light microscopy picture showing a cross section of the mandible taken through the PR. It can be noted that the PR presents a thinner cuticle and is connected with the mandible only at the base. (H) TEM picture showing an oblique section of the apical part of the PR with the apical setae. The presence of sensory neurons was not recorded. Scale bars: (A,B) = 500 µm; (C–E,G) = 100 µm; (F) = 50 µm; (H) = 5 µm; and Inset = 200 nm.