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. 2024 Jun 14;13(12):3499. doi: 10.3390/jcm13123499

Table 2.

Definitive pathology examination and immunohistochemistry.

References Macroscopic Cell Morphological Characteristics Mitotic Activity Immunohistochemistry
CHOI SH, J Surg Oncol 1981 [10] Central area of cystic degeneration and necrosis spindle-shaped cells arranged in bundles atypia with nuclear hyperchromatism. evident -
LACK EE, Am J Surg Pathol 1991 [11] Necrotic and hemorrhagic area of neoplasm spindle cells having elongated, blunt-ended nuclei and tapering, eosinophilic cytoplasmic processes 15 per 10 high power fields of mitotic figures Vimentin ab +;
S-100 protein −/+;
HHF-35 +;
α-SMA +.
ZETLER PJ, Arch Pathol Lab Med 1995 [12] - - - SMA +
BOMAN F, Arch Pathol Lab Med 1997 [13] - - - -
- - - -
ETTEN B, Sarcoma 2001 [14] areas of coagulation necrosis spindle cell tumor with a moderate
degree of atypia
up to 10 mitoses per 2 mm2 strong immunoreactivity for α-SMA
MATSUI Y, Int J Urol 2002 [15] central area of cystic degeneration interlacing fascicles of spindle cells many mitoses cytoplasmic
(SMA) immunoreactivity
LUJAN MG, Arch Pathol Lab Med 2003 [16] hemorrhagic, multinodular mass with irregular zones of necrosis pleomorphic neoplastic cells Ki-67 about 80%
THAMBOO TP, Pathology 2003 [17]
LINOS D, Surgery 2004 [18] fibrous substrate, with inflammatory areas characteristic spindle-shaped neoplastic cells - Positive for smooth muscle actin, vimentin, and actin HHF Negative for S100, CD 34, desmin, and ALK.
KATO K, Int J Clin Oncol 2004 [19] areas of hemorrhage and
cells with a fibrillary appearance
several mitotic figures Positive for SMA, desmin and vimentin. Negative for neuron-specific enolase (NSE),
S-100, chromogranin, synaptophysin, and CD34
WONG, J R Soc Med 2005 [20] - - - -
CANDANEDO-GONZALEZ FA, Endocr Pathol 2005 [21] a circumscribed, solid,
multinodular, green-red mass, with markedly
necrotic and hemorrhagic areas, and
extra adrenal extension
2400 g
hypercellular areas, with a diffuse proliferation
of pleomorphic neoplastic cells
and osteoclast-like giant cells
15 mitotic figures per 10 high power fields, Ki-67 was 7.6% Positive for SMA, desmin vimentin and p53, Tumor cells were negative for CD34, HMB45, estrogen receptors, and S-100 protein.
LEE CU, Abdom Imaging 2006 [22] - hypercellular tumor with a haphazard arrangement of
spindled, oval, or rounded cells intermingled with bizarre
tumor cells
- positive for desmin and negative
for creatine kinase, myoglobin, S-100, CD34, CD117 (Ckit), and HMB-45
MOHANTY SK, Urology 2007 [23] It was almost completely replaced by a centrally hemorrhagic and partially necrotic rubbery to firm mass
180 g
neoplastic cells were spindled to plump, with cigar-shaped blunt-ended nuclei. In areas, the tumor showed moderate-to-marked nuclear pleomorphism and conspicuous nucleoli. brisk mitotic activity (12–14/HPFs)
ki67 was > 75%
strong immunoreactivity for muscle markers (desmin, calponin, and actin), whereas those for cytokeratins (pankeratin, AE1/AE2), renal cell markers (RCC, CD10), melanoma markers (S100, melan A), and adrenal markers (Inhibin, melan A) were negative
WANG TS, World J Surg Oncol 2007 [24] a firm, nodular and trabeculated tan-white mass with
focal areas of cystic degeneration and hemorrhage
Areas of coagulative necrosis were present
composed of spindle
cells arranged in intersecting fascicles. Tumor cells showed
moderate atypia with hyperchromasia, nuclear enlargement and occasional giant cells.
three to five mitoses per
10 high power fields were identified, with occasional atypical mitotic figures
strong reactivity for desmin and smooth muscle
actin; negative for c-kit, S100 and HMB45
GOTO J, Endocr J 2008 [25] White rubbery tissue with central degeneration due to necrosis and hemorrhage Fascicles of spindle cells Mitotic rate as high as 2–5 cells/high power field (HPF) Positive for SMA; CD57, S-100 and CD117 were negative, the composed cells were massively positive with NSE protein
MENCOBONI M, Clin Med Oncol 2008 [26] A roundish, fibrous neoformation with a thrombus inside the adrenal vein Elongated cells with eosinophilic cytoplasm and elongated nuclei with rounded and small nucleolus with moderate polymorphism, arranged in fascicles, no necrotic areas 16/50 HPF mitotes
Ki67 20%
Positive for desmin, SMA(1A4), Actin (HHF3, HHF35, Primary Antibody 5);
CD34, CD117 were negative.
VAN LAARHOVEN HV, Anticancer Res 2009 [27] - - - -
HAMADA S, Int J Clin Oncol 2009 [28] - Spindle- shaped neoplastic cells Strong staining of SMA, but negative staining for keratin, CD34 e c-kit
KARAOSMANOGLU A, J Ultrasound Med 2010 [29] Spindle cells sarcoma with smooth muscle differentiation consistent with high grade leiomyosarcoma Diffuse staining for actin and vimentin and patchy staining for desmin and keratin
SHAO IH, Chang Gung Med J 2012 [30] Spindle cells tumor, composed of interlacing fascicles of neoplastic smooth muscle cells Positive for desmin and SMA, negative for CD117, HMB45, CD34.
KANTHAN R, World J Surg Oncol 2012 [31] Ragged, irregular, pale rubbery multinodular mass with hemorrhage and necrosis
1492 g
Tumor cells arranged in sheets and storiform patterns with extensive fibrous spindled stroma in some areas and others with a myxoid background Ki67 and p53 moderately expressed Strongly positive with SMA and vimentin, negative staining to pan-keratin, CK7, CK20 and HMWK. Negative staining with myogenin and desmin, S-100 was negative too.
DESHMUKH SD, J Cancer Res Ther 2013 [32] Uniform, grey-white color with streaks and strands and a whorled appearance in places; no areas of hemorrhage and necrosis Spindled neoplastic cells, arranging in interlacing bundles and fascicles of varying sizes. 10 to 12 abnormal mitotic figures per 10 HPFs Strong reactivity for SMA, desmin and vimentin; negative for CK, S-100 protein, CD117, HMB45 and CD34
GULPINAR MT, Case Rep Urol 2014 [33] Roundish fibrose neoplasia, yellow-creamy-white solid mass with a central necrotic area.
370 g
Spindle cells associated with predominantly diffuse plasma cell infiltration prevalent in the necrotic areas Ki67 was 4% Strongly diffuses vimentin, moderately diffuses SMA; negative for pan-cytokeratin, inhibin, synaptofisin, chromogranin, CD30-31-34-117, S-100, ALK, myogenin, lambda an k light chain proteins immunonegative
OZTURC H, Rare Tumors 2014 [34] Cystic features and bleeding at focal point, no necrosis Cells with spindle-shaped nuclei and pink cytoplasm that crossed each other at varying angles and pleomorphism at certain foci 8–10/10 HPFs, ki67 was 70% SMA, desmin positive; CK and bcl2 negative
LEE S, Korean J Pathol 2014 [35] Enlarged lobulate mass of 792 g, well sub-circumscribed and partially encapsulated tumors Spindle cells tumor with a rim of fibrous tissue with entrapped atrophic adrenal cortical cells, geographic coagulation necrosis with surrounding fibrosis 25/10 HPFs Strongly positive for SMA and desmin; pan cytokeratin, CD117, S-100 protein and HMB45 were all negative
BHALLA A, Conn Med 2014 [36] Atypical spindle-shaped cells arranged in intersecting fascicles.
Focal tumor necrosis
High mitotic activity SMA and desmin were positive, S-100 and c-kit were negative
WEI J, Int J Surg Pathol 2014 [37] Firm, grayish white mass surrounded by a fibrous pseudo capsule, with focal areas of hemorrhage Large area of necrosis, neoplastic cells arranged in interlacing fascicles; in some areas it ranged from spindled to plump with cigar-shaped, blunt-ended nuclei More than 10 abnormal mitotic figures per 50 HPFs Strongly positive for SMA, desmin and vimentin; negative for cytokeratin, CD117, CD34, CD68, S-100, HMB45, myoglobin
MANZANO AJ, AACE Clin Case ReP 2015 [38] A reconstructed mass with heterogeneous borders and areas of internal necrosis Spindle cells neoplasia, atypical mitosis and necrosis Ki67 focally greater than 50%, present in 40% of proliferating cells Positive for SMA, desmin and focal myogenin (MYF4); S-100 and inhibin were negative
NAGARAJ V, Case Rep Surg 2015 [39] Grossly, multiple pieces of grayish white friable tissue with attached small amount of fatty tissue, with mucoidal areas and tiny hemorrhagic areas. 1040 g High-grade spindle cells with eosinophilic cytoplasm and spindly, blunt ended vesicular nuclei - Strongly positive for desmin and vimentin; negative for calretinin, inhibin, chromogranin, synaptophysin, S-100 pankeratin and CD68.
ZHOU Y, Int J Clin Exp Pathol 2015 [40] Roundish, grayish white mass, with areas of hemorrhage and necrosis Hypercellular tumor, intersecting fascicles of spindle cells Ki67 > 60% Positive for desmin, SMA, vimentin and negative for CD34, S100, CD117, bcl2 and Dog1.
PEREIRA-BECEIRO J, Cir Esp 2015 [5]
QUILDRIAN S, Endocrinol Nutr. 2015 [41] - Interlacing fascicles of spindle cells with elongated hyperchromatic nuclei and marked pleomorphism Ki67 was 20%, with up to 12 mitoses/10 HPFs Strongly positive for vimentin (80%), H caldhemon (90%), SMA (70%), desmin (10%), actin HHF-35 (80%), CD34 (60%); CD117-68, S100, cytokeratin AE1 AE3 were negative.
ONISHI T, World J Surg Oncol. 2016 [42] Solid and grayish white mass with some mucoid and small necrotic areas Spindle-shaped cells with eosinophilic cytoplasm and pleomorphic nuclei Ki67 approximately 50% in the hot spot Diffusely positive for SMA and negative for S100 and CD34
LI C-C, Urol Sci. 2016 [43] - - 18/10 HPFs Positive for SMA, desmin, H caldesmon; negative for S100, CD34
RUDIN A, Clin Surg. 2016 [44] White lobulated fleshy area that focally grew into the lumen of the adrenal vein, red and hemorrhagic soft area Intersecting fascicles of spindle cells with atypical cigar-shaped nuclei and abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm, not necrosis area Scattered mitotic figures were present Strongly positive for SMA; negative for desmin, HMB45, MITF, inhibin
AOKI C, J Clin Case Rep 2017 [45] - Atypical spindle cells with oval-shaped nuclei growing in a flowing sequence - Positive SMA and vimentin;
TZAIDA O, Ann Clin Exp Metabol 2017 [46] Thin fibrous pseudo capsule, with areas of hemorrhage and necrosis areas Interlacing fascicles of glycogen-rich (PAS-positive), spindle-shaped cells with moderate nuclear pleiomorphism. Ki67 up to 30%; mitotic rate 7 to 8/10 HPFs Positive for vimentin, actin, desmin, HHF35 and caldesmon; cytokeratin AE1 AE 3, HMB45, CD34, c-kit and S100 negative
MULANI SR, Case Rep Gastrointest Med 2018 [47] - Spindle cell neoplasm with extensive necrosis High power view showing fascicular growth pattern and cytological pleomorphism. Positive for desmin, cytokeratin Mak6, WT1, and S-100. Negative for CD34 and chromogranin
DOPPALAPUDI SK, BMJ Case Rep CP. 2019 [48] Multilobular mass, without identified tissue plane Hypercellular spindle cell neoplasm, cigar-shaped, running in parallel fascicles to one another, and demonstrated small, prominent nucleoli - Strong diffuse immunoreactivity to SMA and caldesmon
NERLI R, Int Cancer Confer J. 2020 [49] Nodular, firm, well encapsulated tumor Spindle-shaped tumor cells with prominent, eosinophilic cytoplasm resembling smooth muscle fibers MIB 1/ki67 18–20% in the proliferative area of the tumor; nuclear mitosis increased Positive for desmin and H caldesmon; ckit negative
SAKELLARIOU M, Mol Clin Oncol. 2020 [50] Lobulated appearance, cystic degeneration, necrosis in cross section and residual adrenal tissue on outer tissue
594 g
Spindle cell tumor with intermediate nuclear atypia and small areas of ischemic necrosis 7 mitoses/10 HPFs; ki67 approximately 75% Positive for desmin, SMA; negative for S100, synaptophysin, chromogranin, pan-cytokeratin, calretinin
LOKANATHA Indian J Med Paediatr Oncol. 2020 [51] Encapsulated solid mass, roundish, with areas of hemorrhage Spindle cell neoplasm 5–6 mitosis/10 HPFs; ki67 was 40% Positive for SMA, desmin, H caldesmon and CD34, negative for CD117, S100, DOG1
Waack A, Radiol Case Rep. 2022 [1] Well encapsulated adrenal mass with areas of necrosis - Increased of ki67 Positive for SMA, desmin, calponin, caldesmon and vimentin; negative for S100, CD34, ckit
Our Case Rep Solid neoplastic proliferation Spindle cells arranged in a fascicular pattern with areas of coagulative necrosis and areas of hyalinization of the stroma Frequent mitotic figures Positivity for SMA, desmin and calponin; negativity for cytokeratin, S100, EMA

α-SMA (alpha smooth muscle actin), HHF35 (muscle-actin-specific monoclonal antibody), HPFs (high power fields), HMWK (high molecular weight keratin), ALK (negative anaplastic lymphoma), (EMA) Epithelial Membrane Antigen.