The composition of the gut microbiome differed among the groups regarding the phylum Patescibacteria (in A), the family Saccharimonadaceae (in B), and the genus Candidatus Saccharimonas (in C) in C57Bl/6 mice submitted to different treatments: SHAM (negative control), P+L- (positive control, inoculated with the microbial consortium), P-L+ (L. acidophilus LA5), P+L+ (microbial consortium + L. acidophilus LA5). ANCOM revealed differences in microbial mean taxa abundance among the groups. W values for the P-L+ group are shown using the 75th percentile of the W distribution as the empirical cut-off value. Kruskal–Wallis with Dunn’s pos hoc test. Significant differences * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01.