Table 3.
Studies | Limitations | Funding | Declarations of Interest |
[37] | 1. Limited number of standardized language ability tests in Greek. 2. Small sample size of the children. 3. More measures, including Theory of Mind and executive functions, could have shed more light on evaluating ASD and DLD bilingual children’s performance in written production. |
Open-access funding is provided by HEAL-Link Greece. The authors received no financial support for the research. | The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare. |
[38] | 1. Limited number of participants. 2. Did not include data from TD children. |
This research received no external funding. | The authors declare no conflicts of interest. |
[39] | 1. Single-language administration of the pronoun comprehension task may have masked subtle processing differences between the experimental groups, which could have affected children’s referential preferences. 2. Lack of standardized language tools in the children’s heritage language (Albanian). 3. The groups’ performance might be influenced by nonlinguistic factors, such as executive functions, inhibition, and working memory. 4. Limited sample size of the children (Not reported). |
No relevant information reported. | All authors certify that they have no affiliations with or involvement in any organization or entity with any financial interest or nonfinancial interest in the subject matter or materials discussed in this manuscript. |
[40] | 1. Limited sample size of the children (Not reported). | No relevant information was reported. | No relevant information reported. |