Effect of different oils on the skin tissue protein expressions of (A) AGE and (B) RAGE as signaling cue/genes in wound-injured rats. Statistical analysis was achieved with one-way ANOVA and subsequent multiple comparisons using Tukey’s test. Data are expressed as the mean ± SD [n = 3] with p-value < 0.05 as compared with the normal control group (α), wound injury (β), wound injury + HSO (φ), and wound injury + CSO (ε). [F-value of AGE = 60.62 and F-value of RAGE = 224.1.] AGE; advanced glycation end products, CSO; cantaloupe seed oil, HSO; honeydew melon seed oil, PSO; pumpkin seed oil, RAGE; receptor of advanced glycation end products, ST; standard, ZSO; zucchini seed oil.