Figure 1.
Schematics of the experimental setup to investigate the surface and subsurface solid-density plasma dynamics with GISAXS using single femtosecond X-ray FEL pulses. (a) An ML sample consists of 5 repetitions of tantalum (Ta) and copper nitride (Cu3N) of 4.5 and thickness covered by a aluminium capping layer. The samples were irradiated by an optical laser with a central wavelength of , intensity of or with pulse duration. The laser is irradiated by an incident angle of from the surface normal in p polarization. The X-ray pulses with photon energy, FWHM duration are irradiated on the sample at the grazing-incidence angle of , i.e., slightly above the critical angle of external total reflection of the layer materials. The laser beam is defocused to obtain a ∼500 m spot diameter to cover the X-ray footprint of ∼300 m at the surface. Scattered photons are recorded by 2 modules of the MPCCD area detector placed around the specular direction. The strong specular peak at is blocked. (b) In-plane signal along (at ) for different time delays between 0 and after the laser intensity peak.