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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2024 Jun 26.
Published in final edited form as: Nat Methods. 2023 Jun 29;20(8):1143–1158. doi: 10.1038/s41592-023-01932-w

Table 1.

The list of existing computational SV detection methods using long reads. Various methods are highlighted according to different sub-categories below. Assembly-based: de novo assembly (blue), and local assembly (orange). Alignment-based: general SV detection (grey), complex SV detection in targeted regions (yellow), and specific SV class detection (green); SV detection with combined strategy (pink). Repeat expansion: detection on long-read sequences (cyan), and detection on raw Nanopore signals (grey).

Tool Platform Comments
Assembly-based SV detection De-novo assembly PAV35 PB, ONT Generates phased SV callsets for haplotype-resolved assemblies from contig alignments against a reference genome.
Dip-call141 PB Detects large insertions and deletions from haplotype-resolved genome assemblies.
SVIM-asm77 PB, ONT Detects SV from diploid assemblies by pairing similar SVs from opposite haplotypes.
SyRI79 PB, ONT Detects SVs, as well as small variants inside rearranged regions between two genome assemblies.
Smartie-SV87 - Aligns contigs assembled from any type of sequencing against a reference genome.
Assemblytics78 - Can detect SVs, repeat expansions and contractions from contigs.
Reference guided local assembly PhasedSV90 PB Creates haplotype partitioned local assemblies and supports trio assembly for accurate SV detection.
MsPAC91 PB, ONT Uses HMM on multiple sequence alignment of haplotype partitioned local assemblies.
PBSV75 PB Uses local multiple sequence realignment to detect SVs.
SVDSS92 PB Performs local assembly of sample-specific substrings into larger superstrings which are clustered and then used for SV detection.
Alignment-based SV detection Rule-based cuteSV49 PB, ONT Uses a heuristic method to detect and genotype SVs.
NanoSV55 PB, ONT Uses a random forest to filter false positive SVs.
SVIM52 PB, ONT Uses a custom distance metric and graphs to cluster SVs and detects both tandem and interspersed duplications.
Sniffles59 PB, ONT Can detect complex nested SVs and estimate parameters from data set and uses NGMLR aligner.
Sniffles260 PB, ONT Supports somatic and population level SV calling.
SENSV54 ONT Uses a novel SV-aware aligner to refine breakpoints, especially for detecting long SVs (>100kbp) using low coverage ONT reads.
PBHoney56 PB Uses characteristics and error profile of PB sequencing.
NanoVar51 PB, ONT Optimized for SV detection from low-depth sequencing.
Duet50 ONT Incorporates SNP signatures to enable phased SV detection and genotyping.
SKSV57 PB Generates improved read alignment profiles for SV calling and genotyping.
DeBreak58 PB, ONT Identifies SVs via a density-based clustering of SV candidates obtained from alignments and uses de novo assembly detect large SVs spanning multiple reads.
Picky53 PB, ONT Uses a greedy seed-and-extend algorithm to improve alignment and can detect tandem duplications.
Deep learning-based SVision69 PB, ONT a deep learning approach to resolve simple and complex structural variants.
BreakNet67 PB Predicts deletions via a CNN-LSTM deep learning model trained with feature matrices from read alignments pileup.
MAMnet68 PB, ONT Predicts insertions and deletions via a CNN-LSTM deep learning model trained with variant signature matrices constructed from read alignment pileups.
Ensemble Methods NextSV71 PB Ensemble of cuteSV2 and Sniffles2 used with minimap2 and NGMLR aligners.
combiSV74 Combines results from six SV callers into a single call set with increased recall and precision.
Specialized SV detection Complex SVs SVision69 PB, ONT Resolves complex SVs using a CNN trained on read alignment features encoded in image format.
CORGi94 PB, ONT Detects and visualizes complex genomic rearrangements in a local region.
TSD95 PB Detects and visualizes complex SVs in targeted PB deep-sequencing.
Miscellaneous SV subtypes rCANID96 PB, ONT Novel element insertion detection.
rMETL97 PB, ONT Mobile element insertion or deletion detection.
npInv98 PB, ONT Non-allelic homologous recombination inversion detection.
Repeat Expansion Detection Sequence-based RepeatHMM101 PB, ONT Repeat detection from long reads using HMM.
Tandem-genotypes105 PB, ONT Repeat detection from long reads using copy number histogram analysis.
PacmonsTR102 PB Repeat detection from long reads using pairHMM.
Straglr106 PB, ONT Scans the genome for large insertions and generates a list of coordinates and motifs which are used to genotype tandem repeats.
adVNTR103 PB Uses trained HMMs to genotype target variable number tandem repeats obtained with specific sequencing technologies.
RepLong107 PB Repeat detection from long reads using network modularity optimization.
NanoRepeat104 PB, ONT Repeat detection from long reads using Gaussian mixture models.
Signal-based STRique108 ONT Repeat detection using Nanopore raw signals and HMM.
NanoSatellite109 ONT Uses squiggle-based algorithm on Nanopore raw signals.
DeepRepeat110 ONT Repeat detection using deep learning on Nanopore signals.
SV Genotyping Sniffles59 PB, ONT Computes the fraction of supporting reads for each variant against the reference and then uses allele frequency to predict genotype.
cuteSV49 PB, ONT Genotypes are predicted by computing the maximum likelihood of each zygosity as a function of supporting reads.
cuteSV2142 PB, ONT Regenotyping SVs through an accurate force-calling method.
Samplot119 PB, ONT Generates images with read depth and alignment information for SVs, and uses a trained ResNet-like model to predicts deletion genotypes based on these images.
svviz2120 PB, ONT Displays the number of supporting reads assigned to each allele, which can be used to estimate zygosity.
SVJedi121 PB, ONT Generates representative allele sequences for each SV and then aligns reads to these sequences to estimate allele frequencies for genotyping.
VaPoR122 PB Scores SV predictions by analyzing the k-mer recurrence and estimates genotype likelihood by fitting a Gaussian mixture model to the score distribution.
LRCaller118 ONT Alignment features are used to genotype each SV directly from long reads.
TT-Mars123 PB Genotypes SVs by matching their local regions to haplotype-resolved assemblies.
Somatic SV detection Sniffles260 PB, ONT Increases sensitivity for low-frequency SVs and additional filtering and preprocessing steps to enable non-germline SV calling.
DeBreak58 PB, ONT Detects non-germline SVs with clustered breakpoints in cancer genomes.
Nanomonsv115 PB, ONT Detects somatic SVs from paired tumor and matched control long-read sequencing data.
SHARC116 ONT Uses low coverage long-read sequencing to detect SVs in cancer genomes. A random forest model trained on SV features filters false positive SV calls.
CAMPHOR117 ONT Detects somatic SVs by comparing SVs identified from tumor samples against those from matched control samples.