Table 1.
Category | Variables | Spatial resolution | Temporal resolution | Time coverage | Source |
Climate data | Tmax, Tmin, Tave, Pre, RH, WS, SS) | 1 km | Daily | 2000–2017 | China National Meteorological Data Sharing Platform ( |
Remote sensing data |
500 m |
16-day Yearly |
2000–2017 | MODIS Terra Daily ( |
Production Rice (Pro) and Swon area (SA) | County | Year | 2000–2017 | National Bureau of Statistics of China ( | |
Soil data | SOM, pH, DEP, POR, BD, NPK, Texture, CEC | 1 km | – | – | Ref.38 ( |
Tmax maximum temperature, Tmin minimum temperature, Pre precipitation, RH relative humidity, WS wind speed, SS sunshine, NDVI normalized difference vegetation index, EVI Enhanced vegetation index, LAI leaf area index, NPP net primary productivity and NDWI normalized difference water index, DEP soil depth, SOM soil organic matter, pH POR porosity, BD bulk density, N nitrogen, P phosphorus, K potassium, CEC cation exchange capacity.