Key resources table
Antibodies | ||
CCT1 | Santa Cruz Biotechnology | Cat # sc-374088 RRID:AB_10918262 |
CCT1 | Abcam | Cat# ab240903 RRID:AB_2920800 |
CCT2 | Abcam | Cat # ab92746 RRID:AB_10565196 |
CCT2 (rabbit) | 81 | N/A |
CCT3 | Abcam | Cat # ab106932 RRID:AB_10865346 |
CCT3 | Santa Cruz Biotechnology | Cat # sc-271336 RRID:AB_10610107 |
CCT4 | Santa Cruz Biotechnology | Cat # sc-137092 RRID:AB_2073768 |
CCT5 | Abcam | Cat # ab129016 RRID:AB_11154964 |
CCT5 (rabbit) | 81 | N/A |
CCT6 | Santa Cruz Biotechnology | Cat # sc-514466 RRID:AB_11154964 |
CCT7 | Santa Cruz Biotechnology | Cat # sc-271951 RRID:AB_10709576 |
CCT8 | Santa Cruz Biotechnology | Cat # sc-377261 RRID:AB_2917991 |
IRDye 680RD Donkey anti-rabbit IgG | LI-COR Biosciences | Cat# 926-68073 RRID:AB_10954442 |
IRDye 800CW Donkey anti-mouse IgG | LI-COR Biosciences | Cat# 926-32212 RRID:AB_621847 |
IRDye 800CW Donkey anti-Goat IgG (H + L) | LI-COR Biosciences | Cat# 926-32214 RRID:AB_621846 |
IRDye 800CW Goat anti-Rat IgG (H + L) | LI-COR Biosciences | Cat# 926-32219 RRID:AB_1850025 |
Peroxidase AffiniPure Donkey Anti-Rabbit IgG (H+L) | Jackson Immuno Research | Cat# 711-035-152 RRID:AB_10015282 |
Peroxidase AffiniPure Donkey Anti-Mouse IgG (H+L) | Jackson Immuno Research | Cat# 715-035-151 RRID:AB_2340771 |
Peroxidase AffiniPure Donkey Anti-Goat IgG (H+L) | Jackson Immuno Research | Cat# 705-035-003 RRID:AB_2340390 |
Anti-GFP-MBP nanobody | Modified by MPB addition, this study | N/A |
Bacterial and virus strains | ||
E. coli strain DH10Bac | Thermo Fisher | Cat# 10361012 |
Chemicals, peptides, and recombinant proteins | ||
HCCCT578631 | This study | N/A |
HCCCT1368 | This study | N/A |
HCCCT4257 | This study | N/A |
HCCCT57 | This study | N/A |
TRIC | Collier et al., 2021 | N/A |
DMEM supplemented with glucose | Thermo Fisher Scientific | Cat# 10566024 |
Fetal Bovine Serum | Thermo Fisher Scientific | Cat# 26400044 |
DharmaFECT #4 transfection reagent | DharmaFECT | Cat# T-2004-03 |
DharmaFECT Cell Culture Reagent (DCCR) | Thermo Fisher Scientific | Cat# B-004500-100 |
Complete, EDTA-free Protease Inhibitor Cocktail | Roche | Cat# 4693132001 |
Lipofectamine™ 2000 | Thermo Fisher Scientific | Cat# 11668019 |
Z-Leu-Leu-Leu-al | Sigma-Aldrich | Cat# C2211-5MG |
Ammonium Chloride | Sigma-Aldrich | Cat# A9434 |
Benzonase® Nuclease | Sigma-Aldrich | Cat# E1014-5KU |
Ni Sepharose® High Performance | Sigma-Aldrich | Cat# GE17-5268-02 |
Calmodulin Sepharose™ 4B | VWR | Cat# 95016-874 |
Amylose Resin | New England Biolabs | Cat# E8021S |
DSS-H12/D12 | Creatie Molecules Inc. | Cat# 001S |
Adenosine 5’-triphosphate disodium salt hydrate | Sigma-Adlrich | Cat# A7699 |
DNaseI | Worthington Biochemical | Cat# LS006333 |
DNaseI | Sigma-Aldrich | Cat# D5025 |
Critical commercial assays | ||
Quick-RNA miniprep Kit | Zymo Research | Cat# R1054 |
iScript cDNA Synthesis Kit | Bio-Rad | Cat# 1708891 |
Itaq™ Universal SYBR assay | Bio-Rad | Cat# 1708891 |
[35S] EasyTag™ express protein labeling mix | Perkin Elmer | Cat# NEG772002MC |
Deposited data | ||
Unprocessed western blot deposited in Mendeley Data | This paper | DOI: 10.17632/ymrbcv2wrt.1 |
Unprocessed images of negative stain | This paper | DOI: 10.17632/ymrbcv2wrt.1 |
XL-MS raw data in Mendeley Data | This paper | DOI: 10.17632/ymrbcv2wrt.1 |
Map of HCCCT578631 | This paper | EMD-32393 |
Coordinates of the TRiC in open conformation | Gestaut et al. 2022 | PDB:7WU7 |
Experimental models: Cell lines | ||
Hela cells (CCL-2) | ATCC | CCL-2 |
SF9 cells | Thermo Fisher Scientific | 12659-017 |
High Five cells (Hi5) | Invitrogen | B85502 |
Oligonucleotides | ||
Primers used in this study are listed in Table S1 | This paper | N/A |
Recombinant DNA | ||
pFB-Duet CCT7His, CCT5 | Gestaut et al., 2019 | pDG463 |
pFB-Duet CCT2, CCT4, | Gestaut et al., 2019 | pDG443 |
pFB-Duet CCT6, CCT3 | Gestaut et al., 2019 | pDG445 |
pFB-Duet CCT8, CCT1 | Gestaut et al., 2019 | pDG446 |
pFB-Duet CCT1CBP, CCT8 | Gestaut et al., 2019 | pDG518 |
pFB-Duet CCT1GFP, CCT8 | Gestaut et al., 2019 | pDG517 |
pFB-Duet HIS-ACTB | This study | pYC26 |
pcDNA3.1 CCT2-Ch C-terminal mCherry | (Zhao et al., 2016) | pJF1919 |
pcDNA3.1 CCT4-Ch C-terminal mCherry | (Zhao et al., 2016) | pJF1921 |
pcDNA3.1 CCT5-Ch C-terminal mCherry | (Zhao et al., 2016) | pJF1922 |
pCMV6 CCT1 | Eric Jonasch | N/A |
pCMV6 CCT2 | Eric Jonasch | N/A |
pCMV6 CCT3 | Eric Jonasch | N/A |
pCMV6 CCT4 | Eric Jonasch | N/A |
pCMV6 CCT5 | Eric Jonasch | N/A |
pCMV6 CCT6 | Eric Jonasch | N/A |
pCMV6 CCT7 | Eric Jonasch | N/A |
pcDNA YFP | Addgene | #13033 |
siGENOME Human TCP1 (6950) siRNA - SMARTpool | Thermo Scientific | M-012749-01-0005 |
siGENOME Human CCT2 (10576) siRNA - SMARTpool | Thermo Scientific | M-020107-02-0005 |
siGENOME Human CCT3 (7203) siRNA - SMARTpool | Thermo Scientific | M-018339-01-0005 |
siGENOME Human CCT4 (10575) siRNA - SMARTpool | Thermo Scientific | M-020147-00-0005 |
siGENOME Human CCT5 (22948) siRNA - SMARTpool | Thermo Scientific | M-012797-02-0005 |
siGENOME Human CCT6A (908) siRNA - SMARTpool | Thermo Scientific | M-016559-01-0005 |
siGENOME Human CCT7 (10574) siRNA - SMARTpool | Thermo Scientific | M-020115-01-0005 |
siGENOME Human CCT8 (10694) siRNA - SMARTpool | Thermo Scientific | M-008566-02-0005 |
siGENOME Non-Targeting siRNA Pool #2 |
Thermo Scientific | D-001206-14-05 |
Software and algorithms | ||
ImageJ | Schneider et al. 2021 | |
GraphPad Prism 7.04 & 9.1.2 | GraphPad | |
CFX Maestro Manager | BioRad | |
Image Studio Lite | Li-COR Biosciences | |
Pymol | Schrӧdinger | |
UniDec v3.1.0 | Marty et al., 2015 | |
MaCSED v0.3 | Justin Benesch | |
MaxQuant v1.6.14 | Tyanova et al., 2016a | |
Perseus v1.6.5 | Tyanova et al., 2016b | |
cryosparc2 | Punjani et al., 2017 | |
RStudio Versi on 1.2.1335 | The R foundation | |
xQuest | Walzthoeni et al., 2012 | |
UCSF ChimeraX | Pettersen et al., 2021 | |