Fig. 6.
Mouse AGM scATAC-seq analysis and accessible TE identification. A Cell types recovered from mouse scATAC-seq data. B UMAP of EHT marker gene activities. Cdh5 marks endothelial cells, Lyve1 marks VECs, Hey1 marks AECs, Gja5 marks pre-HECs and partial AECs, Runx1 marks HECs/HSCs, and Ptprc marks HSCs. C Differential accessible analysis of TEs in pre-HECs versus endothelial clusters (VECs and AECs). D Cell type-specific open TEs identified in mouse EHT. E TE composition and potential cis-regulatory functions of cell type-specific open TEs. F Overlaps of all cell type-specific accessible peaks with different TE superfamilies. G Tracks of normalized signals in each cell type, genes, TEs, ELSs, peaks, and CCANs. Two potential enhancers derived by TEs and the promoter of Gja5 transcripts are highlighted with light grey bars