Manhattan plots for TP53 and PIK3CA discovery GxM analyses. Discovery GWAS data for 879 TP53 mutation carriers and 1,965 breast cancer cases without TP53 mutations (A), 237 cases with TP53 GOF mutations and 1,965 breast cancer cases without TP53 mutations (B), 536 cases with TP53 LOF mutations and 1,965 controls (C), 1,095 PIK3CA mutation carriers and 1,642 breast cancer cases without PIK3CA mutations (D), and 858 cases with PIK3CA activating/hotspot mutations and 1,642 breast cancer cases without PIK3CA mutations, are plotted by −log10 (P values; E). Blue lines represent P values of less than 1 × 10−5. Chromosome numbers are indicated. GXM, germline variant by mutation; GWAS, genome-wide association study; GOF, gain of function; LOF, loss of function.