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. 2024 Jun 3;11(6):ofae307. doi: 10.1093/ofid/ofae307

Table 3.

Risk Factors of the mph(A) Gene in Commensal Escherichia coli Isolated From Fecal Samples of the Participating Children

No. (%)a Model 1: Univariable Analysis Model 2: Multivariable Analysis
mph(A)+ (n = 109) mph(A)– (n = 129) PR 95% CI P Value Adjusted PRb 95% CI P Value
Location of the facility
 Kisii 64 (59) 80 (62) 1 [Ref]
 Homa Bay 45 (41) 49 (38) 1.08 .81–1.42 .602 1.09 .82- 1.44 .560
Child characteristics
Age, mo
 0–5 14 (13) 13 (10) 1 [Ref]
 6–11 21 (19) 24 (19) 0.90 .56–1.45 .667 0.92 .57- 1.48 .719
 12–23 28 (26) 45 (35) 0.74 .46–1.18 .205 0.74 .46- 1.18 .207
 24–59 46 (42) 47 (36) 0.95 .63–1.45 .825 0.94 .62- 1.43 .777
 Male 61 (56) 87 (67) 1 [Ref]
 Female 48 (44) 42 (33) 1.29 .98–1.70 .065 1.28 .98- 1.69 .075
 Exclusively breastfed 53 (49) 51 (40) 1 [Ref] 1 [Ref]
 Partially breastfed 49 (45) 68 (53) 0.82 .62–1.09 .178 0.82 .61–1.10 .177
 Unknown 7 (6) 10 (8) 0.81 .44–1.47 .486 0.82 .44–1.54 .540
Child HIV statusd
 HIV unexposed 95 (88) 104 (84) 1 [Ref] 1 [Ref]
 HIV positive or exposed 13 (12) 20 (16) 0.83 .53–1.29 .401 0.80 .51–1.26 .343
Underweight (WAZ <−2)
 WAZ ≥−2 99 (91) 111 (86) 1 [Ref] 1 [Ref]
 WAZ <−2 10 (9) 18 (14) 0.76 .45–1.27 .294 0.82 .48–1.38 .451
Stunting (HAZ/LAZ <−2)
 HAZ/LAZ ≥−2 79 (73) 94 (73) 1 [Ref] 1 [Ref]
 HAZ/LAZ <−2 29 (27) 34 (27) 1.01 .74–1.38 .960 1.08 .79–1.48 .622
Acute malnutrition
 None 96 (88) 115 (89) 1 [Ref] 1 [Ref]
 MAM 8 (7) 7 (5) 1.17 .71–1.93 .531 1.16 .70–1.90 .569
 SAM 5 (5) 7 (5) 0.92 .46–1.82 .802 0.89 .44–1.82 .753
Vaccination status
Pneumococcal vaccinatione
 No 8 (7) 10 (8) 1 [Ref] 1 [Ref]
 Yes 101 (93) 119 (92) 1.03 .60–1.77 .906 1.03 .59–1.78 .926
Rotavirus vaccinationf
 No 25 (23) 30 (23) 1 [Ref] 1 [Ref]
 Yes 84 (77) 99 (77) 1.01 .73–1.40 .954 1.06 .75–1.50 .725
DPT vaccinationg
 No 6 (6) 10 (8) 1 [Ref] 1 [Ref]
 Yes 103 (94) 119 (92) 1.24 .65–2.37 .521 1.30 .69–2.47 .421
Measles vaccinationh
 No 50 (46) 42 (33) 1 [Ref]
 Yes 59 (54) 87 (67) 0.74 .57–.98 .033 0.70 .52–.95 .022
Completed all essential vaccinesi
 No 74 (68) 68 (53) 1 [Ref] 1 [Ref]
 Yes 35 (32) 61 (47) 0.70 .51–.95 .023 0.68 .49–.93 .017
Hospitalization information
Length of hospital stay
 ≤3 d 47 (44) 78 (60) 1 [Ref] 1 [Ref]
 >3 d 60 (56) 51 (40) 1.44 1.08–1.91 .012 1.47 1.10–1.98 .009
Antibiotic use during admission
  No 10 (9) 26 (20) 1 [Ref] 1 [Ref]
 Yes 99 (91) 103 (80) 1.76 1.02–3.05 .042 1.83 1.06–3.18 .031
Ceftriaxone use during admissionj
 No 59 (60) 64 (62) 1 [Ref] 1 [Ref]
 Yes 40 (40) 39 (38) 1.06 .79–1.40 .711 1.00 .74–1.34 .981
Gentamicin use during admissionj
 No 33 (33) 43(42) 1 [Ref] 1 [Ref]
 Yes 66 (67) 60 (58) 1.21 .89–1.64 .231 1.33 .97–1.83 .073
Chloramphenicol use during admissionj
 No 94 (95) 97 (94) 1 [Ref] 1 [Ref]
 Yes 5 (5) 6 (6) 0.92 .48–1.80 .815 1.04 .53–2.01 .916
Penicillin use during admissionj
 No 27 (27) 36 (35) 1 [Ref] 1 [Ref]
 Yes 72 (73) 67 (65) 1.21 .87–1.68 .257 1.36 .97–1.89 .071
Household characteristics
Caregiver-reported monthly income, Kenyan shilling
 ≥5000 33 (30) 33 (26) 1 [Ref] 1 [Ref]
 <5000 73 (67) 87 (67) 0.91 .68–1.23 .543 0.89 .65–1.20 .438
 Unknown or refuse to answer 3 (3) 9 (7) 0.50 .18–1.37 .179 0.42 .15–1.22 .110
Crowding (>2 persons per room)
 No (≤2) 53 (49) 68 (53) 1 [Ref] 1 [Ref]
 Yes (>2) 56 (51) 61 (47) 1.09 .83–1.44 .531 1.05 .79–1.41 .717
Improved water source
 No 19 (17) 22 (17) 1 [Ref] 1 [Ref]
 Yes 90 (83) 107 (83) 0.99 .69–1.42 .939 1.04 .72–1.49 .851
Treated drinking water
 No 49 (46) 66 (52) 1 [Ref] 1 [Ref]
 Yes 58 (54) 62 (48) 1.13 0.86–1.50 .381 1.12 .83–1.51 .456
 Private, for household only 46 (43) 64 (50) 1 [Ref] 1 [Ref]
 Shared with ≥1 households 53 (50) 61 (47) 1.11 0.83–1.50 .483 1.15 .85–1.56 .368
 Open defecation 8 (7) 4 (3) 1.59 1.01–2.52 .046 1.58 .95–2.62 .076

Model 1 presents results from the univariable Poisson regression model with robust SE, and model 2 presents results of an adjusted multivariable Poisson regression model (adjusted for age, sex, and site) with robust SE. mph(A)+ and mph(A)– denote the presence and absence of the mph(A) gene in the isolated E coli from fecal samples.

Abbreviations: DPT, diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus; HAZ, height for age; LAZ, length for age; MAM, moderate acute malnutrition; PR, prevalence ratio; Ref, reference; SAM, severe acute malnutrition; WAZ, weight for age.

aColumn percentages.

bAdjusted for sex, age, and site. Models including one of the three confounders were adjusted for the other two.

cWhether the child is currently breastfeeding (≤6 months old) or if the mother practiced breastfeeding when the child was ≤6 months old.

dSix children had exposure with an unknown infection status and were excluded.

ePneumococcal vaccination defined as vaccination completed for the 6-, 10-, and 14-week schedule or up to the age of the child allowing a 2-week margin.

fRotavirus vaccine defined as vaccination completed for the 6- and 10-week schedule or up to the age of the child allowing a 2-week margin.

gDPT vaccine defined as vaccination completed for the 6-, 10-, and 14-week schedule or up to the age of the child allowing a 2-week margin.

hMeasles vaccine defined as vaccination completed for the 9- and 18-month schedule or up to the age of the child allowing a 2-week margin.

iAll essential vaccination defined as having complete vaccination for pneumococcal, rotavirus, DPT, measles, and bacille Calmette-Guérin.

jAmong children who received at least 1 antibiotic during hospitalization (antibiotic of interest vs other antibiotics).