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. 2024 Jan 12;2(2):164–176. doi: 10.1038/s44220-023-00187-w

Table 1.

Demographic and clinical variables for MDD and healthy control participants

Healthy controls MDD participants MDD D1 MDD D2
Sample size 699 685 290 395
Age (yr) 38.4 (15.4) 35.3 (12.3) 35.3 (12.6) 35.3 (12.2)
Age range (yr) 16–72 18–65 18–65 18–64
Female (number, percentage) 404 (58) 439 (64) 181 (62) 258 (65)
Male (number, percentage) 295 (42) 246 (36) 109 (38) 137 (35)
Ethnicity (number, percentage) 621 (89) 470 (68) 179 (62) 290 (73)
Asian 167 (27) 173 (37) 80 (45) 93 (32)
Black 16 (3) 16 (3) 2 (1) 14 (5)
Hispanic 9 (1) 9 (2) 1 (0.6) 8 (3)
Middle Eastern 0 2 (0.4) 1 (1) 1 (0.3)
Mixed 10 (1.6) 10 (2) 2 (0.6) 8 (3)
Native American 3 (0.4) 11 (2) 1 (0.6) 10 (3)
Pacific Islander 1 (0.2) 2 (0.4) 1 (0.6) 1 (0.3)
White 415 (67) 247 (53) 91 (5) 155 (53)
Years of education 15.3 (2.7) 14.5 (2.7) 14.8 (2.5) 14.4 (2.8)
HAM-D 0.9 (1.5) 21.4 (5.1) 21.0 (4.8) 21.7 (5.3)
MADRS 0.5 (1.1) 29.0 (5.1) 28.9 (5.2) 29.0 (5.0)
First-episode/recurrent MDD 128/355 52/168 76/187
Age of onset (yr) 24.5 (10.8) 22.5 (9.8) 25.3 (11.1)
Years of illness 6.5 (9.9) 6.3 (8.8) 6.7 (10.4)
MDD episodes 7.7 (20.3) 8.1 (20.8) 7.4 (20.1)
Duration of current episode (weeks) 57.9 (119.2) 55.6 (97.7) 59.5 (132.2)
Prospective treatment sample
Total (number MDD participants) 359 165 218
Escitalopram 116 38 102
Citalopram 36 16 20
Sertraline 98 56 42
Placebo 109 55 54
HAM-D score
Baseline 20.5 (4.1) 20.0 (4.0) 20.9 (4.1)

Values presented are mean (s.d.) except where indicated. Montgomery–Asberg Depressive Ratings Scale (MADRS) ratings were available from CAN-BIND and Manchester samples. There is a significantly greater number of women than men participants (P = 0.02). Healthy controls had a higher mean age (P = 0.003) and greater number of years of education (P = 5.7 × 10–9) than MDD participants. Chi-squared test of independence was used for the categorical variable (sex), and the Mann–Whitney U test was used for continuous variables (age and years of education). For some sites, the number of years of education was estimated from text data; this is detailed in the Supplementary Information. One healthy control participant was 16 years old, and three were 17 years old. Treatment with SSRI antidepressants showed a significantly greater reduction in HAM-D score (post-treatment HAM-D 10.6) relative to placebo (post-treatment HAM-D 12.5) (t = 2.23, P = 0.03). Ethnicities for Stratifying Resilience and Depression Longitudinally, Oxford, Manchester Remedi, and King’s College London studies (Methods) were estimated to be around 90%, 90%, 90%, and 95% white, respectively.