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. 2024 Jun 27;220(5):51. doi: 10.1007/s11214-024-01072-3

Table 3.

Terms included in REASON 1D link budget

Link Budget Term Description Relevant Regimes Reference
Performance, Operations, Geometry Radar Potential SNR of a flat, perfect, infinite reflector at a range of 400 km, assuming SAR processing Sect. 4.4.1
Reference SAR Gain Gain resulting from SAR processing at the reference altitude (400 km) Sect. 4.4.4
Reference SAR Gain is subtracted from Radar Potential so that SAR Gain can be recalculated for the altitude of interest
Geometric Spreading Loss due to spreading of the wavefront, calculated with respect to the reference altitude (400 km)

Schroeder et al. (2014)

Haynes et al. (2018b)

Flat Europa Assumption Loss to account for a spherical (as opposed to flat) Fresnel zone area Haynes et al. (2018b)
Short Chirp Loss associated with a chirp length (RF pulse width) below the 200 μs assumed in deriving the radar potential Table 9
SAR Gain Gain resulting from SAR processing (not applied for Reflectometry) Peters et al. (2005b)
1-Bit Sampling Loss (VHF only) resulting from recording only the signal sign below 3 km to conserve data volume Scanlan et al. (2020)
Infinite Mirror Assumption Loss to account for spherical (as opposed to flat) wavefront Haynes et al. (2018b)
Range Side Lobe Noise Loss due to side lobes (Hann processing window) Sect. 4.4.5
Europa Surface Scattering Loss to due signal scattering from a rough surface Surface Roughness Fung et al. (1992)
Surface Transmission Loss to due signal transmission through a rough surface Surface Roughness Fung et al. (1992)
Volume Scattering Loss due to volume scattering from voids in the ice shell Deep Regolith Aglyamov et al. (2017)
Ice Shell Attenuation Loss due to electrical conductivity of the ice shell Surface Temperature Moore (2000)
Ice Shell Composition
Ice Shell Thickness
Basal Temperature
Interface Reflection Coefficient Fresnel reflection coefficient at the target interface Near-Surface Density Mouginot et al. (2009)
Near-Surface Composition
Near-Surface Thickness
Salt Layer Thickness
Salt Layer Depth
Subsurface Water Interface