Fig. 2. Genetic basis of subsp. chinensis var. parachinensis domestication.
a–b Genetic basis of subsp. chinensis var. parachinensis selection. (a) and (b) show highly divergent regions between Par and DG, and DG and PC, respectively. The FST values are plotted against the position on each chromosome. The horizontal pink lines indicate the genome-wide thresholds (5%) of differentiation signals. The peach bar on Chr. A09 intersecting (a) and (b) indicates the candidate selection sweep (A09: 26,630,001…27,300,000) studied. c A temperature-responsive QTL(HT) co-locates with the region of gQTLA09-1. An F2 population established from a cross between Par and PC, was used for the analysis. Half of the 4-week-old seedlings continued to grow under normal conditions (NC), while the other half of the seedlings were moved to high temperature (HT) conditions until flowering. Flowering-related quantitative trait loci (ftQTLs) responding to different temperatures were then identified. The green and brown dot lines indicate QTLs responding to NC and HT, respectively. The horizontal red line indicates the 95% confidence interval of Δ(SNP-index). gQTL represents QTLs (quantitative trait locus) associating with Par domestication generated from (a). Black triangle, the genome position of BrJMJ18. d The local π value features for the selection sweep on chromosome A09 (26,630,001…27,300,000) of PC, DG, and Par around gQTLA09-1. Black triangle, the genome position of BrJMJ18. e, f Sequence polymorphisms and haplotype analysis of BrJMJ18 in PC, DG, and Par. Red lines in (e) indicate different nucleotide alterations and corresponding amino acid substitutions are shown. JmjN: Jumonji N-terminal domain; JmjC: Jumonji C-terminal domain; Zf-C5HC2: C5HC2 zinc finger domain; FYRN: FY-rich domain, N-terminal region; FYRC: FY-rich domain, C-terminal region. The alteration of allelic frequencies of BrJMJ18 in PC, DG, and Par are shown in (f). BrJMJ18PC and BrJMJ18Par represent the BrJMJ18 allele coming from PC and Par, respectively; n denotes the number of lines of PC, DG, and Par used for the analysis.