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. 2024 May;108:103295. doi: 10.1016/j.jrurstud.2024.103295

Appendix Table 1.

Projects in the GAAP2 portfolio

Project acronym Project name Implementer and evaluator Project modality/goal Project objective Project approach
South Asia/Bangladesh
ANGeL Agriculture, Nutrition, and Gender Linkages Ministry of Agriculture (Bangladesh) and International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) Crops/Nutrition To pilot alternative approaches to integrating agriculture, nutrition, and women's empowerment, the most effective of which will be scaled up. Provide training on three approaches in different combinations: facilitating production of nutrient-rich food, conducting high-quality behavior change communication (BCC), and undertaking gender sensitization activities. All trainings delivered to husbands and wives jointly
AVC Impact Evaluation of the Bangladesh Agricultural Value Chains Program Development Alternatives International (DAI) and IFPRI Crops/Income and nutrition To increase agricultural output and income, and improve food and nutrition security through strengthened agricultural value chains Conduct trainings to build farmers' capacity in using improved seed varieties and cultivation practices along with basic training on gender and nutrition issues and provision of promotional discounts on fertilizer and seeds to incentivize adoption
FAARM Food and Agricultural Approaches to Reducing Malnutrition Helen Keller International (HKI) and University of Heidelberg Crops and livestock/Nutrition To reduce undernutrition among women and young children through a food-based dietary diversification strategy and to increase the status of women within the household Intervention based on HKI's enhanced homestead food production model involves training rural women's groups in vegetable gardening, fruit tree production, and poultry rearing, along with nutrition and hygiene
TRAIN Targeting and Realigning Agriculture to Improve Nutrition BRAC and IFPRI Crops and livestock/Nutrition To increase the dietary diversity of poor rural producers by 1) increasing the diversity of crops grown and income generated; 2) improving child feeding, health, and sanitation practices using BCC; and 3) empowering women by facilitating greater control over agricultural income and its allocation toward health and nutrition as well as sensitizing husbands to support wives in productive and reproductive tasks. Using a randomized controlled trial, assess the impact of incorporating agricultural interventions to promote production, production diversity and income-generation into a strong state-of-the-art maternal and child health and nutrition BCC platform
South Asia/India
WINGS Women Improving Nutrition through Group-Based Strategies Professional Assistance for Development Action (PRADAN), Public Health Resource Society (PHRS), and IFPRI Crops and livestock/Nutrition To improve women's and children's diets and nutrition outcomes through increasing own consumption and income
Existing SHG platform has women's empowerment objectives
Uses existing women's self-help groups to deliver BCC and training on nutrition-sensitive agricultural planning, and works with the community and public systems/institutions to ensure that services of public health and nutrition programs are available and accessible in the project area
South Asia/Nepal
Heifer Empowerment, Resilience, and Livestock Transfers Heifer International and Montana State University Livestock/Income and nutrition To increase income, food security and nutrition, and women's empowerment, and improve aspirations, hope, and economic resilience among the chronically poor by building physical, human, and social capital Provides women with livestock transfers and training related to nutrition, home gardening, and livestock management; forms self-help groups through which women receive empowerment training
West Africa/Burkina Faso
Grameen Foundation Building Resilience of Vulnerable Communities in Burkina Faso Grameen Foundation and Brigham Young University Crops and livestock/Income and nutrition To increase the resilience of vulnerable communities in disaster-affected regions by building women's economic empowerment, and to strengthen women's capacity to make decisions about children's nutrition Uses community-based women's savings groups as a sustainable platform for improving livelihoods through training, education on agriculture as a business, linkages to agricultural services, financing for common agricultural activities, nutrition education, and gender dialogues
SELEVER Soutenir l’Exploitation Familiale pour Lancer l’Elevage des Volailles et Valoriser l’Economie Rural (Women's Poultry Program to Improve Income and Nutrition) Agribusiness Systems International, AfricSanté, and IFPRI Livestock/Nutrition and income To increase poultry production and improve the nutritional status of women and children in the Centre-Ouest, Hauts-Bassins and Boucle de Mouhoun regions of Burkina Faso Uses an integrated market-facilitation approach combining revenue generation, women's empowerment, and nutritional behavior change interventions
West Africa/Ghana
iDE Small-Scale Irrigation and Women's Empowerment in Northern Ghana iDE and IFPRI Crops/Income and nutrition To expand production of food during the lean season and reduce production risks during rainy seasons through small-scale irrigation, which will increase income, food security, nutrition, and health Provides women access to motor pumps along with training, access to credit, and other agricultural inputs
West Africa/Mali
WorldVeg Integrated home garden project World Vegetable Center Crops/Income and nutrition To improve nutritional status and dietary diversity by increasing vegetable production and consumption Integrated home garden project—combining training in gardening with nutrition behavior change communication and training in water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH)
East Africa/Ethiopia
JP-RWEE UN Joint Programme on Accelerating Progress towards the Economic Empowerment of Rural Women in Ethiopia Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) Crops and livestock/Income and nutrition To reduce gender inequalities in pastoralist communities related to access to resources, credit, and financial services to improve household food security, women's decision making within the household, and women's participation in the community Interventions include strengthening associations and cooperatives to offer financial products to women farmers, providing credit to women farmers, and giving women financial literacy and entrepreneurship training
East Africa/Kenya
MoreMilk MoreMilk: Making the most of milk International Livestock Research Institute Livestock/Income and nutrition To enhance milk safety and child nutrition in peri-urban Nairobi Training milk traders to improve their milk handling and business practices
East Africa/Tanzania
Maisha Bora Evaluation of Women's Food Security Program for Impoverished Maasai Households Savannas Forever and University of Minnesota Livestock/Income and nutrition To increase food security of semi pastoralist communities through a more diversified and secure income from improvements in livestock Builds capacity of pastoralists' organizations to provide entrepreneurship training, business skills training, and advocacy for women; forms savings and credit groups and women-only farms; provides training on household budgeting and gender awareness